Theseus Scamander x reader ~ Working Christmas

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Prompts: "I thought we weren't doing gifts!" & "One normal Christmas, that's all I wanted"

Being married to the head of the Auror department at the Ministry of Magic called for a complicated holiday. Planning what you were doing for Christmas was a nightmare and you don't even want to think about going to either of your families' Christmases. It was over breakfast one rare morning that both of you were off work that Theseus said, "I'm getting called in for a mission over Christmas."

Your eyes shot up, abandoning the book you were reading to send an accusatory stare at your husband. "But we had plans. We were actually going to do something this Christmas, together."

Theseus sighed and took your hands, rubbing himself thumbs across your knuckles. "I know, love. And we still can, I just don't know when." You turned your head away, trying not to let your disappointment show.

"One normal Christmas, that's all I wanted..."

Theseus raised your hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to it. "I'm sorry, my darling."


Christmas Eve was the only time you and Theseus got to spend together over the holiday season. For this reason, the two of you decided to focus on spending time with each other, rather than stressing over gifts for the other.

For this reason, when Theseus pulled out a small box from behind the couch, you couldn't help but protest. "I thought we weren't doing gifts!" You complained. "I didn't get you anything!"

Theseus shrugged sheepishly. "This one is worth it though. Now go on. Open it."

You peeled away the wrapping paper to reveal a plain box. Flipping the lid off you dug through the tissue paper until the box was almost empty. Sitting at the bottom were two tickets to New York. "Theseus! Oh my goodness. I-I don't know what to say!" You were at a loss for words.

Your husband took your hands, bringing your attention back to his face. "I know it's been years since you've seen your family, and I didn't know what gift would be better to give you."

"So you bought us tickets to New York? As if that's not a huge investment in and of itself!"

Theseus stared deep into your eyes. "You like it, though?"

"Like it? Thes, I love it!" He beamed at you as you flung your arms around his shoulders. He pressed light kisses up and down your neck. "Thank you," you whispered, fingers weaving into his curls.

"Of course, Y/N. I love you."

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