Bill Weasley x reader ~ Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests

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The thrill and terror of NEWTs mounted tremendously as May drew nearer. Y/N L/N had been preparing since the start of term and it was definitely showing. The dark circles from lack of sleep, the hurried meals in between study sessions, her distracted responses to anything a friend said. It worsened immensely as the week of NEWTs approached ever so slowly. Soon, the small group of friends Y/N had collected at Hogwarts began to notice changes. Instead of the distracted answers, they got little to no response at all. Their friend disappeared entirely from meals, and, as the girls had reported, they didn't think she had slept in days.

Finally, Bill Weasley had had enough. He missed his girlfriend. So he decided to take matters into his own hands.

As always, these days at least, Y/N sat at the very back of the library, tucked away in the corner. Few others chose to study at this table which made it the perfect spot for the girl. It was quiet and peaceful, with a perfect view out onto the grounds from the nearby window. Most people never travelled this far into the library, but Bill often did, having to force his girlfriend to come back to the common room or take a walk around the lake or even sit at the top of the astronomy tower. Just for a break.

Many Gryffindors questioned why Y/N wasn't in Ravenclaw, she studied so much. But she always reminded them that Ravenclaw wasn't just for the studious. Her own sibling was a Ravenclaw, but not at all good at school, instead excelling in the fine arts such as music and drawing. Then the others would remember that she was a Gryffindor because she always stuck up for others, no matter what.

That was one of the first traits Bill ever noticed about her. One of the first year Hufflepuffs was being picked on by some of the older students. Bill just happened to be walking down the hall at the precise time Y/N jinxed the students. Of course, he was talking to Professor Sinstra at the time, and Y/N was given a night of detention...and five points to Gryffindor. He was proud of his girl for that reason. She looked out for those who needed help, even if it was just an encouraging word. And she was always there to provide a shoulder to cry on.

But this time, Bill realized it was her that needed the shoulder, and he was happy to provide it, even though he hated to see Y/N even the least bit upset.

Bill pulled out the chair next to Y/N and sat down. She didn't even look up. He sat for a couple minutes, deciding to see how long it would take her to notice him. By the time he was reaching the seven minute mark, she looked up and gave a start.

Bill chuckled. "Took you long enough," he said.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "I'm studying. Please don't distract me."

"I'll distract you all I want, Y/N/N. You haven't been sleeping, eating, or spending any time away from this table. I wouldn't be surprised if owls were delivering your mail here, now. You practically live in the library." Bill threw his hands up in exasperation, but smiled when Y/N gave him a weak grin.

"I know. But this is our future, Bill! I have to do well on my NEWTs or else I might not be able to get a job I really want!" She dropped her face into her hands, exhaustion finally creeping up. Bill brushed a strand of hair behind her ear before pulling her hands away from her face.

"That's the problem. You're basing too much on these exams. If you would step back for a minute and think about something else, I know you'll still do as well if not better as you would if you studied until the day of! I miss my girlfriend-" she smiled when hearing that word, "-and all our friends are wondering where you've gone and why the only times they've seen you is in class! Please just take a break." He gently tugged her hands away from her face, watching her beautiful blue eyes trail up to his face.

Bill was not at all surprised to see her eyes pooling with tears. She hastily tried to wipe them away, but they kept returning, like weeds that wouldn't allow themselves to be cut down or uprooted. Soon the tears were coming too quickly and falling hot and fast down her cheeks. Bill felt his heart squeezing at seeing Y/N in pain. He wrapped her in a comforting hug and held her, rocking back and forth in an effort to soothe his love. Her shoulders shook as the now unending tears soaked into Bill's robes. He ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed soothing circles on her back. All he could do was sit with her, let her know he was there for her. But it was enough.

Gradually, like the grains of sand running down in an hourglass, the shaking of her shoulders stopped. Y/N took a deep breath before pulling her head back. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her lip still quivered the slightest bit. Bill placed his hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. "Please. Just one day. For me?" he asked softly, resting his forehead on hers. She closed her eyes for a minute, relaxing in the sense of calm that drifted over her just from being at Bill's side.

"Okay," she whispered. Opening her eyes, she asked, "Where shall we go?"


Being seventh years, Y/N and Bill had privileges the younger students didn't. Like leaving the school, for one. After the first trip to Hogsmeade of the year, the seventh years were allowed to visit during their off period, with a signed note from a teacher, of course. It didn't take much convincing for Professor McGonagall to sign said note. When Bill walked into her first year Transfiguration class, Y/N trailing behind dazedly, she knew he had finally succeeded in luring the girl away from her relentless studies. The note was signed before it even hit the desk.

"Oh, and Weasley," called McGonagall. "Make sure she forgets about exams."

Bill have her a salute. "Will do, Professor." He grabbed Y/N's hand and led her out of the classroom.

Professor McGonagall smiled to herself as she turned back to her class. She always knew those two would be together. Their friendship had lasted since they met in first year. It warmed her heart to think that in a few years, they would be probably married.


The village, on a cloudy spring day, was exactly what she needed. Being cooped up in a castle, however large, was good for no one. Bill and Y/N strolled down the main road, poking inside Honeydukes and Zonko's before settling into a booth in Three Broomsticks. With butterbeer greedily consumed and a pile of sweets wrappers thrown carelessly on the table, the two cuddled up in the corner of their booth, relaxing in the presence of the other.

Y/N rested against Bill's chest, his arm around her shoulder and their fingers twisted together. Y/N sighed.

"Thank you."

Bill nearly jumped in his seat. It was the first time she'd spoken since they left the school grounds.

"For what?" He asked.

"This. Bringing me here. Being there to take care of me when I don't take care of myself." Bill let out a huff, causing her to laugh. Music to his ears, a sound he hadn't heard in ages.

Pressing a kiss into her hair, he replied, "I love you. It's my job to take care of you." She twisted in his arms to face him.

"I love you more than life, Bill Weasley."

A smile stretched across his face as he stroked a thumb along her cheekbone. She leaned up and pressed their lips together, a blissful reminder that everything would be okay. Whether they had to take the Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests or not, they would have each other. And that was all they needed.

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