Fred Weasley x reader ~ "You can't banish me! This is my bed too!

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Prompt: "You can't banish me! This is my bed too!"

Quidditch. Probably the roughest-toughest sport in existence. And your boyfriend just happened to play one of the most dangerous positions available. Fred Weasley and his twin, George, played as the two Beaters for the Gryffindor team. So of course, when you visited on holiday, you were bound to be sucked into a game of Quidditch not only with your boyfriend and his twin, but also with the two younger Weasleys and Ron's two best friends. Harry was not allowed to play Seeker, as he was the youngest Seeker in a century, and therefore the position fell to you.

"Freddie, can't I just read in the treehouse?"

Fred shook his head adamantly. "Of course not. You need to spend some quality time with your boyfriend!"

You made a noise of complaint and whined, "I already do that!"

"Well, then you need to make friends with my siblings. If we're ever going to get married, I can't have my favorite people not be on speaking terms." You blushed at his marriage comment.

"I'm friends with George, Ron has known my brother and idolized him for years, and Ginny's already like my sister. I spend plenty time with them," you defended.

Fred chuckled before calling across the field to his twin. "You hear that, George? My girlfriend doesn't want to spend quality time with my siblings!"

George spun around and threw a hand to his heart. "Ouch, Y/N! And I thought you were my friend. Listen to that..." You paused and listened, raising your eyebrows, "It's the sound of my heart breaking in two." You couldn't help but laugh at his ridiculous show. The twins definitely kept your life interesting. Fred grinned at you smugly and wrapped his arms around you.

You turned to face him, coming nose-to-nose and grinning. "Hi Freddie."

He grinned, his lips pulling up into a beautiful expression of happiness. "Hi Y/N/N." You reached up and brushed a hand through his hair, linking your hands behind his head. "You gonna kiss me or what?" Fred joked.

"Isn't the guy supposed to make the first move?" You replied. Fred shook his head fondly before tugging you closer and brushing his lips against yours.

"Who says?"

"Just kiss me, Freddie," you replied, exasperated. You could feel the smirk on his face as he pressed his lips to yours.

"Better?" he mumbled.

"Shut up," you replied grinning stupidly. You heard a wolf-whistle no less than two seconds later. Pulling away, you shouted, "Shove off, George!" Fred trailed a hand down your arm, linking your fingers, and pulled you in the direction of the field.

The game escalated quickly. Fred, Hermione, and Ron were up against you, George, and Ginny. Harry played as referee. Within the first ten minutes, Ginny scored four times on Hermione while you and Ron soared around and over the field in search of the Snitch.

"George! You're supposed to protect your team!" Ginny yelled at him as a Bludger narrowly missed her head. No less than a minute later was Fred at your side beating the Bludger away from you.

"Thanks, Freddie!" You called as he whizzed away after it. He winked and blew you a kiss.

"Bloody hell! Doesn't anyone play for their own team in this game?" Ron shouted.

The game eventually ended when it got too dark to play. The Snitch had never been caught, but when George pulled out his wand and called, "Accio Snitch!" it zoomed through the darkness into his hand. He quickly stuffed it into the ball case and slammed the lid to keep the Bludgers locked in.

You all trooped back into the Burrow and into respective rooms. You walked into Ginny's room and some pajamas and your towel. "Night Gin, night Hermione," you told the girls before heading up the stairs to the twins' room.

Fred lay stretched out on his bed, face glistening with sweat. "Go take a shower, Freddie," you demanded.

"Don't need one." Fred gave you a crooked grin, lacing his fingers behind his head and flopping back onto his pillow. "I smell just fine, thank you very much."

You rolled your eyes. Shaking your head, you grabbed your pajamas and a towel saying, "You smell awful. And by the time I get back, you better have showered."


When you finish showering, you went back to the twins' room. Neither was present, so you tossed your dirty clothes by the door and relaxed on Fred's bed.

A moment later, Fred bounded through the door and flung himself onto the bed next to you.

"Freddie, get away from me. You stink."

"Yeah, right," he replied. "I smell just fine."

"I know you didn't shower, Fred Weasley, so you can get your butt out of this bed and onto the couch downstairs or you can go shower now."

Fred gave you a shocked look. "Come again?"

You gave him a stern look and said, "I'm banishing you from the bed for tonight."

"You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" He complained.

"I can, and I will."

Fred pouted and leaned over you, placing his hands on either side of your head. "What if I-" he leaned down and brushed his lips against yours, "-convinced you otherwise?"

You grinned and sat up, forcing Fred to move back. "That's not how this works, Freddie. I gave you an ultimatum, and there is no room for compromise," you replied, smiling up at him. Fred rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, okay. Well, then I'll see you in the morning." Fred stretched his arms above his head and strolled out of the room.

"Wait," you scrambled off the bed, "Where are you going?"

Fred gestured to the stairs. "I'm sleeping on the couch. Just like you said."

"Fred!" You protested. "Just take a shower! Why is that so hard to do?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. Just don't want to."

You thought for a minute before saying, "What if I were to join you?"

Fred had never thrown you over his shoulder faster.

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