Charlie Weasley x reader ~ It's a Good Thing I Have a Dragon

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The Burrow appeared in all its glory as Charlie and you Apparated into the yard. "It's been so long since I was here," you stated.

Charlie laughed and swung an arm around you. "Yeah, well you're here now so that's all that matters." The two of you continued walking down the path, hauling your trunks along behind you. Seeing all the grass with a bunch of miscellaneous objects scattered around, trees casting odd shadows over them, made you feel nostalgic.

You and Charlie had met in detention one night during your fourth year. You already knew his brother, Bill, as he had helped you many times with Transfiguration and you helped him with Charms, even though you were in a different house (A/N: or in Gryffindor, whichever applies to you) and two years younger. Charlie, who was the same year as you, became one of your closest friends after that fateful detention. You never really got on with Percy, and Ron and Ginny were never in Hogwarts at the same time as you, but the twins made your last two years... interesting. Then you and Charlie went off to Romania together, he to study dragons and you to write a novel based on said-dragons. It only made sense that after a few years, you would admit that you had been in love since your school days at Hogwarts. And now you were headed back to the place you visited every summer after fourth year...for a wedding.

"If I'm being honest," you said. "I didn't think we'd come back here except to tell your mum we were getting married."

Charlie let out a laugh. "She'd have a heart attack if we didn't tell her in person." This caused you to laugh as well. "Although, I was planning to tell her."

You froze. "Now?" Charlie nodded. "Are you sure this is the best time, Charlie? I mean, Bill's getting married, and all this stuff with another war coming on, and Ron and Ginny will be going into their two hardest years at Hogwarts, and-"

"And nothing!" Charlie stopped you short. "Mum will be thrilled. And besides, don't you think we could use a little happiness? What with Dumbledore being gone and all this madness with the Order?" Charlie sighed. "I want my family to know that we're together."

"They do," you replied. "Have since we were here last."

He rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

You sighed and turned to look out at the yard, crossing you arms. "I just think..."

"You think what?" He took your hands in his and kissed each of them.

"It's Bill's wedding. Don't you want your brother to have his own day?"

"He will! And just think how excited he'll be when he finds out I finally got the guts to ask you to marry me! He's been wanting this to happen practically since we met!" Charlie's arms snaked around your shoulders, pulling you into a comforting hug. "If you really don't want to say anything," he mumbled into your hair. "We won't. I want this to be your decision too." You smiled against his chest, hugging him closer.

"I love you."

"I love you." He looked over at the house. "Now, let's go face the monsters."

You giggled. "Yeah, your younger siblings are monsters, but dragons are just misunderstood." Hand in hand, you walked down the rest of the path to the front door of the Burrow. Charlie knocked on the door. Not a moment later did it swing open, only for a beaming Molly Weasley to appear. "Oh, there are my world travelers!" Molly pulled you each into a tight hug. "I've been waiting for you to arrive. We were just about to start dinner." Molly led you and Charlie to the table where the rest of the family, including Harry and Hermione, sat.

"Ah, there they are!" Arthur stood, gave you a hug, and shook Charlie's hand. "Fred, George, take their trunks up. I suspect you've had a long journey." The twins stood and took your trunks before popping out of the kitchen.

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