Always and Forever

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Raven POV
I let myself into my room after being with kori for the last few hours gathering some ingredients for some spells I was planning on teaching Hope. I put the stuff on the dresser out of her reach and took off my shoes. Hope was with John on the mountain going over things that she learned from reading her books on nature energy and to be honest I didn't even think about that and she is a very curious child for her age. Damian was with a old friend of his and they were discussing about joining forces.

Hope came in and took off her boots which were covered in snow. She saw me and smiled her cute smile and ran to me hugging my legs.

"So what did John teach you today" I asked helping her take off her jacket.

"He taught me a spell that helps flowers grow faster and I brought back a roses for you and daddy" she said handing me the flowers which were actually looking quite nice. I chuckled and took them and placed them in a vase.

"Where's daddy" she asked looking around the room.

"He should be home any minute now" I said going to the closet looking for a new outfit for Hope to wear for dinner because Damian was bringing his friend over.

"Here baby girl put this dress on" I said handing it to her and then took out my own dress which was dark purple and went up to my knees but I was wearing tights under it.

After a few hours we were all in the diner hall waiting in Damian to come along with his friend. Hope was hiding behind me holding my hand tightly. Damian then walked in holding the door for this man a little taller then Damian but not but that much  with a cape like Damian's except it was black.

"Everyone this is Andrew Russel. His grandfather ran a compound that's a few hours away from here." He said leading him to us.

"Daddy" Hope yelled happily running from behind me and jumping into Damian's arms hugging him tightly around his neck. He hugged her back. Andrew went around introducing himself to everyone and from what I could tell he was a nice guy.

I was making Hope her plate of food when I heard her giggle. I turned around and saw her showing Andrew the spell she learned today and put the flower behind his ear and he smiled. I smiled at the sight and called Hope over to eat.

When Andrew came over to the table he leaned close to me ear which caused me to hold me breath.

"Tell Damian that we have a deal and we may join forces." He said and walked out the door leaving.

"Raven what's wrong" Damian asked getting my attention.

"Um Andrew told me to tell you that you guys have a deal" I said hugging him. Later at night Hope jumped into our bed and sitting in between us laying her head on Damian's shoulder and having me stroke her legs.

"Mommy,daddy.... we will always be together right?" She asked. Damian sat up and pulled her closer and hugged her and me.

"I will tell you something that my dad told me..... family is going to be always and forever" he said kissing her head as well as mine and Hope fell asleep with a smile on her face

Sorry about the wait enjoy this chapter.

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