Same heart different body

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Raven POV
I was sitting on a hammock on the balcony watching the thunder and rain. It's been 5 weeks since the earth's core moved and since then it's been doing nothing except thundering and raining. My stomach has grew quite bigger than normal most likely since I'm half demon but whatever. Damian was teaching the assassins in the underground training area while the League worked on the earth. Suddenly my bedroom door opened to revel kori walking in with a smile on her face. Damian said that he figured out a way to give all the people who got a robot replacements their old look by some technical way his grandfather discovered and it worked. Kori looked the way she did before.

"Hey kori I see Damian kept his word on helping you guys." I said sitting up.

"Yes he did and I can't be anymore grateful to him. I'm just sad he can't help Dick like he helped us"She said sitting next to me. I frowned at her words then grunted when the baby kicked.

"How's the little one doing" she said putting the smile back on her face while placing a hand on my stomach feeling the rough kicks.

"Active as hell" I said laughing. After a hour kori left to see dick and I went to see Damian. As I was walking towards the stairs leading to the training area I felt Diana presences.

"Oh hello young raven" she said while helping me walk down.

"Excuse me for asking but how's the transformation going for you guys? Has Damian fixed everyone yet?" I asked as we reached the last step. She turned fully towards me and I gasp. She looked just like she did before. It's doesn't look like anything happened.

"You be the judge then" she said smiling at my reaction. I couldn't find the words to say so we continued our walk.

Clark POV
I was glad that Damian found a way to restore everyone form. He didn't say how he did it but I don't really care I'm just he did it. I was sitting with Bruce watching the weather.

Damian POV
I finished restoring hawk man body and just like everyone else he was beyond grateful. I took off my mask and sighed gently. Suddenly the door opened to reveal raven walking in. She saw me and smiled. She walked towards me and kissed me with love and passion. I pulled away and cocked a brow with a confused smile.

"Hello love" I said holding her close.

"How did you do it? How did you restore everyone bodies" she asked resting on my chest.

"I guess my grandfather did leave something worth it behind. But what made it easier was that even though they looked different their hearts and soul remained the same" I explained. When I said that it got me thinking about Grayson. If his heart and soul is still the same as it was before then maybe just maybe we can restore him like the others. It's worth a shot right?

Love moment( A Damian and Raven story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora