Evil Surviors

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Raven POV
I was watching Hope laying in her crib sleeping and I couldn't help but feel proud. I managed to give birth to a beautiful girl. Damian was working with the assassins but he said he would leave early to spend the day with hope and myself. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't noticed hope waking up. I smiled and walked over to her and as soon as I picked her up the door open to reveal one of Damian's most trust worthy assassin who I actually trusted more the Daniel. His name I believe was Adam.

"My lord has requested your presence as well as young Hope" he said respectfully as he always does. I nodded and grabbed hope's blanket and I was going to grab her play mat but I couldn't hold while holding hope.

"Hey um Adam do you mind carrying Hope's play mat my hands are kinda full" I said adjusting hope in my arms getting the mother instinct kick in. He nodded and grabbed the mat and lead me out to where Damian was. My mother instinct grew because I was nervous when any other man besides Damian or Bruce was near hope but I knew I could trust Adam just not with my child. He lead me to a office where Damian was looking at the rain outside with a stern glare. Adam placed the mat on the floor near Damian desk. He bowed at Damian and left us alone.

"What's the matter" I asked and walked over to him. He turned to me and sighed gently.

"My scouts found a group of people camping on the side of the mountain..... but they are enemies of my grandfather who survived the invasion. They are assassins that are kinda like bounty hunters." He explained. I gasp and walked away from him kneeling next to hope watching her play with her toys. Damian kneeled next to me pulling me close to him.

"I won't let anybody hurt her or you I promise" he said kissing my head.

Damian POV
Raven went to go get the baby bottle while hope stayed with me. I was reading paper work and I heard my child whimper which caused me to immediately stand and walk over to her. She wasn't hurt or anything she just wanted my attention. I picked her up gently and she laid her head on my shoulder while her hands wrapped themselves around my neck. I bounced her for a while until she feel asleep.

My father came in to hand me a couple of papers but when he saw his sleeping grandchild he smiled and held out his hands for me to hand her to him which I gladly did trying not to wake her up. I stretched my arms and looked back out the window. If they even try to attack this base they will be very very sorry.

Love moment( A Damian and Raven story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum