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Raven POV
Damian and I were in bed, both of us were out cold from all the work we did. Even though I was tired I couldn't get to sleep. I've been having  a lot of nightmares lately about what has happened especially about Damian dying but I couldn't bring him back to life. I looked at Damian's sleeping figure and smiled as he turned around to face me. I noticed the sun started to rise and then mentally slapped myself because I stayed up all night. I crawled out of bed and walked out the door heading towards the main balcony. As I watched the sun reach it peak I sensed John presence.

"Why are you up so early lass" he asked standing next to me rubbing his eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing" I responded

"I heard you outside my door and decided to see what you were doing up at 5:30 am" he responded. I smiled but shivered as I felt cold air. Another cold day is coming which I hated.

"Well that wind tells me that a cold day is coming to replace the nice weather so let's head back inside" he said leading me inside.

Over the next few hours I've noticed I couldn't keep my eyes open but I was also scared of going to sleep because I knew those nightmares were just waiting for me. We were having lunch in a hall with the assassins and some the league members like John and Bruce. Clark was outside in joying they weather. Me and Damian we sitting and our table and I started to lean my head against his shoulder as he watched his father and John talk about stupid stuff. I slowly started to drift off but jumped up as I heard my name being called.

"What? What did you say babe" I said looking at Damian dazed.

"I said are you okay" he responded rubbing my face. I was about to nod but then sighed and then shook my head no. He frowned and stood up picking me up bridal style telling his father he will be back.

Damian POV
As I carried raven back to our room I noticed that she had bags under her eyes like she hasn't need sleeping. When I arrived to the room I placed her on the bed and sat next to her .

"What's going on" I asked rubbing her thigh gently.

"I've been having a lot of nightmares lately and they just scare me into not going to sleep" she said with a tear sliding down her cheek. I wiped the tears away and wrapped my arms around her letting her rest against me shoulder.

"Don't let go just yet please" she said gripping me tighter.

"Whenever your ready my love" I said kissing her head. After a few minutes she drifted off into a deep sleep and o believe she was having a good one as there was a smile on her face.

Raven POV
I woke up still in Damians arms. I looked up to see him with his eyes closed. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10:55 at night. I then looked outside and saw there was snow sticking to the window. I felt Damian move his arms and I looked up again and saw he was staring at me smiling.

"Comfortable?" He asked. I nodded and leaned up to kiss his lips gently. He responded with much passion and then pulled away.

"Come on let's get into bed. I can grantee you will have no problem sleeping" he said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him until his back hit the mattress.

"No more nightmares" I said while taking off his shirt.

Love moment( A Damian and Raven story)Where stories live. Discover now