Chapter 1 - The First Day

373 16 7

Word Count: 2,300+ Words

Kouka: a still young Kingdom by the standards of its neighbors. However, ever since King Hiryuu's ascension to his throne as the land's new ruler, the country was quickly expanding its borders. At its heart was the castle; it was rumored that the mighty structure had been built upon on the same grounds in which the Crimson Dragon God was nearly executed by faithless humans. The same grounds where the four dragons descended to save their brother. The same grounds that the Dragon Warriors were picked as vessels for each dragon gods' power.

"Crimson Dragon Castle..."The young woman exhaled in the same breath she spoke, trying to relieve her nervousness, gazing up at the walled stone structure that would be her new home while adjusting her cover with one hand. The other hand busied itself with rustling her bangs over her eyes. "Okay, Nari. You can do this."She assured herself, pressing forward.

The castle was... extensive. It was more akin to a walled fortress in many ways, built atop a steep slope surrounded by jagged claw-like rocks and dense forests. The stronghold's thick sandstone walls towered several stories above her, only seeming taller the closer she got. Nari could make out a row of narrow archery holes at the top of the wall beneath the ramparts' battlements. Atop the gates sat a building of sorts, likely a watchtower, with a red pottery tile roof and several windows.

Making her way up the stone platform's steps leading up to the massive red wooden castle gate, Nari was greeted by two dark-haired guards. One with a rather serious resting face, slate-grey eyes, and long black hair tied in a stiff ponytail that draped down the front of his left shoulder; the other had short dusty-brown hair that blew freely in his face and swayed over his bright hazel eyes. Both held simple spears at their right side, their postures shifting to attention when she drew near.

"H-Hello... "She greeted nervously when the pair locked their gazes on her, bowing her head politely and submissively. "I'm one of the new servants."

"Your identification?"The black-haired guard questioned sternly, extending a free hand whilst still keeping the other firmly on his weapon.

"Oh! Yes, of course."The girl nodded, sliding her small bag off her left shoulder and rummaging through it. While she did so, both guards eyed her up and down, taking in her... less than remarkable appearance until she pulled out a rolled-up scroll and handed it to the grey-eyed guard.

While his partner read the scroll, the short-haired guard continued to stare curiously at the woman. Her pale skin was darkened by several layers of dirt, mud, and filth. It was like she'd been on the wrong end of a skirmish! "You're so dusty! Did you tumble from a horse?"He asked with risen brows before smiling sympathetically. "Once you report to the head maid, you should take a bath in your quarters."

"O-Oh... that is..."The woman looked herself up and down, lightly brushing some dust off her arms and smiling nervously... this would be difficult to explain. "Something like that."

"So your name is Nari?"The black-haired guard asked, suddenly grabbing the woman's attention. "You may enter the castle."He said while returning the scroll to her hands briskly, then turning to the wall. "Open the gates!!"Called the guardsman loudly, turning back to Nari again. "You'll find the head maid somewhere in the Palace itself, Gyeong-hui, she'll show you where you'll be staying."

Furrowing his brows seriously, the man decided to emphasize his point by shifting his tone to one more stern, closing his eyes. "As Sang just said, you should clean yourself up... it would be disgraceful if King Hiryuu were to see you in such a state, as one of the Castle Staff you are expected to be well-presented, even as a mere servant your appearance reflects how all of us are seen."

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