Chapter 9 - A Special Occasion

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(Nari's official design by ItsNattie on DeviantArt)
Word Count: 2,700+ Words

WARNING!: Some of the content of this chapter, SPECIFICALLY early in, could be considered triggering and uncomfortable for some readers. I have this book listed as mature, but I still want to give you all a fair warning, if content related to abuse of the sexual kind gets to you, then I IMPLORE you to avoid the paragraphs all written in italics. Should you choose to read that section anyway, I am NOT responsible for how you respond to it!

After reconciling with the Blue Dragon and returning to her quarters, Nari felt... lighter. She hardly even paid attention to the chills that still were causing her body to shiver while she snuggled under her covers. The servant girl felt more blessed than ever... she'd been given the privilege of calling the Four Dragons her friends, including the Seiryuu! The latter even said he didn't think she was a burden! And his smile... it was faint, but it'd looked so peaceful...

However, not even these wonderful events didn't stop her usual nightmares from plaguing her mind in sleep.

"Be a good girl, and I won't have to bruise your pretty face anymore."

"Not fair, boss! I wanted to have her for tonight!"

"Oh, please, you can have her after I'm done. She'll be too tired to fight ya after I'm through."

Tears streamed down the girl's face, arms trembling in the ropes that bound her wrists together over her head, connected to the ceiling above. By now, Nari's wrists were raw with rope burns, the front of her makeshift dress was ripped to the navel, and tooth-marked bruises were clearly visible even in the flickering torchlight.

Suddenly, a blunt force slammed against her from behind, and she instinctively screamed and started bawling all over again. Her body rocked forward in back in her attempts to put distance between her and the monster behind her, only to stumble back when her hair was crudely yanked.

"Never forget... I own you."

That voice she'd become so unwillingly familiar with whispered insidiously, and a large pair of hands moved up the insides of her legs to her chest. Nari's eyes squeezed shut, and she clenched her teeth to hold in any unwanted sounds they tried to force out of her.

"My ruby-eyed pet."

Nari awoke with a sharp gasp, which prompted a fit of dry coughs to rack her body. Struggling to sit up, her hands clenched over her tight chest. The coughing lasted longer than she anticipated, turning into wheezing when she tried to stand up — hearing the castle bell toll loudly above.

Covering her mouth with one hand, Nari slowly looked down at its palm when she felt something wet spatter against the skin. She pursed her lips at the all too familiar spots of thick scarlet, slowly taking some deep — albeit shaky — breaths to try and steady her labored breathing.

Walking over to her closet, Nari opened it with her other hand and pulled out her "favorite" red waist tie, rubbing the fresh crimson off on it before taking out the rest of her clothes. Stripping off her robe, Nari absently glanced at an unsightly scar through her right shoulder, then began to properly clothe herself.

Just a little longer...

Once she was dressed, Nari walked up to her full body mirror and used it to make sure her dress was arranged properly, ignoring the slight flush to her cheeks and tying the crimson sash around her waist to complete her attire.

There's still so much I want to learn from them...

The faces of each of the Four Dragons flashed through Nari's mind at that moment, picking up her blue pendant from her nightstand and fastening it around her neck. Then, she tucked it under her clothes so it wouldn't be in the way.

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