Chapter 22: JUNGKOOK

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"Where is everyone?" I asked Taehyung when I walked out of the bathroom. I was drying my hair with a towel over my head, walking towards our room when I felt a warm hand sliding on my naked stomach. My heart skipped a beat.

Surprised, I dropped the towel, my hair flat and dripping wet in my eyes.

Taehyung stood in front of me and he was doing his super cute baby face. With his luscious bottom lip jutting out, he moaned, dramatically: "They've gone to the cinema without us", rubbing off pretend tears. He twirled his imaginary hair in a very feminine movement and, cocking his head to the side, he fluttered his eyelashes at me. He was trying hard to stay pretend upset but lost his cool quickly when I grinned at him.

"I'm off for a shower." He winked and tiptoed into the bathroom wearing his thick white bathrobe, his hair a black bush on his head, his lips pink and delicious. He looked very sweet and innocent -if only they knew. I smiled to myself.

I sat down at the desk and carried on drying my hair. I glanced at the work I was doing and played the song I was writing before putting some music on.

Humming, Tae came back from the shower, drying his hair, wrapped in his bathrobe and his feet bare.

He stopped behind me and started drying my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation. Taehyung liked touching my hair because he knew it relaxed me.

Dropping the towel, his nimble hands landed on the nape of my neck and started massaging up and down the tense muscles in small circular motions. I hummed, appreciatively.

Slowly, his hands slid along my shoulders, feeling the muscles.

A small appreciative vibration left his lips. He leant down, his hot breath at my ear.

"I want to see you naked." It was almost a whisper but there was no way I misheard him.

My eyes shot open and instantly, my heartbeat climbed several notches. I felt blood flow redirect towards my groin.

Paralysed, I was wordless.

"Come on." He encouraged me, pulling my arm.

In a haze I rose and stood next to the chair. I faced him and suddenly felt intensely shy. Is this really happening!?

His dark, seductive bedroom eyes shone at me and he was biting his lower lip, greedily eyeing my body. I felt a tightness in my chest.

Too shy to take my towel off, I held my hands together in front of my rapidly growing erection, trying to hide it. Why are you hiding?

His eager, slender fingers descended on my naked chest, fanning over my pectoral muscles. In a gentle curve, his hands caressed the expanse, his palms sliding teasingly close to my nipples.

I gasped, staring at him in wonder. This was the first time since THAT time that we had been intimate, and it was the first time I would be properly naked in front of him. I was nervous I would make a mistake again. I hope all that preparation is going to pay off... After the fiasco last time, I realised that I didn't really know what I was doing at all -I hadn't even kissed anyone before Taehyung -and I wanted it to be special for him. I wanted to please him and make him happy -and, well, make him scream with want until he begged... Now I was glad I had read up on it, at least I'd have some idea what to do.

His fingers travelled along my ribbed abdomen, tracing the shapes of the muscles, tap-tapping along my sides and they took an extra round on the biceps, kneading. Slowly, he leaned down and licked over a nipple, leaving a trail of wet behind it. I felt it directly in my throbbing member and groaned, helpless.

He is MINE (TaeKook Love Story) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now