"Max gets sick!"

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Max woke up one morning feeling completely awful!

His head hurt. His stomach was super icky. He knew he was in for a rough day.

Max laid in the bed in complete sickness...

Mackenzie turned over to the to max was awake

"Good morning son!" Said Mackenzie happily

"G..good morning dad" said max in a sick voice

"Are you ok?" Mackenzie asked with concern

"Not Really. My stomac-" max cut himself off as he felt vomit come up. He covered his mouth and weakly ran to the restroom to puke

"Oh no." Said Mackenzie as he followed behind him.

Mackenzie stood by the door as max violently vomited

Chloe had just woken up she then also walked up to the restroom door

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked tiredly

"He's all sick. He's throwin' up" said Mackenzie

"Oh no!" Said Chloe with concern

She knocked

"Is everything ok honey?" Chloe asked with concern


"Oh my gosh!" Chloe exclaimed

"Are you ok?" Mackenzie asked

"Not. At. All..." said max sounding super sick.

"I'm gonna go to the pharmacy to get some medicine. I'll be back." Said Chloe as she grabbed her purse and keys

"Ok honey I'll take care of max" said Mackenzie

After Chloe left he heard max flush the toilet and wash his hands

He then walked out of the restroom weakly

"easy pup. Easy" Mackenzie said as he helped max back to their bed.

Max laid down as Mackenzie covered him up and got back in bed with him

The poor pup was aching and had the chills.

Mackenzie grabbed a thermometer and took Max's temperature. He was burning!!

"Your burning up!" Said Mackenzie

"Oh no." Said max with concern

"Don't worry kiddo! Your mum is coming home with medicine!" Said Mackenzie

Max gave a disgusted face

"It's the best way to get better faster buddy." Said Mackenzie as he petted the sick pup's head

"But it tastes bad!" Said max

"I know! but would you rather taste medicine for a minute or be sick like this for a week?" Mackenzie asked

"You do have a point dad" max said giving a weak smile

Mackenzie chuckled

"Just be happy your sick here at home! Back in Iraq and Afghanistan when we got sick we had to suck it up and fight!" Said Mackenzie with a chuckle

"For real?" Max asked curiously

"Yup! I remember on a deployment your uncle rusty got super sick from some spoiled mre's! It wasn't pretty..." said Mackenzie

They both laughed

He noticed max was really thin after his vomiting and diarrhea fit!

This gave Mackenzie an idea.

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