"I'm sorry"

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Mackenzie was sitting on the couch one day. He was thinking about everything that had led up to that point. His childhood,the birth of max,his service in the us army and homelessness. He knew max and Chloe loved him and forgave him for his absence. But at the same time. Guilt was still embedded in his soul. This eventually brought a memory back to when max was a little puppy and Mackenzie was only 17. A day where he said the most regretful thing he has ever said.

*when max was little*

Mackenzie and Chloe were both extremely agitated and stressed form the amount of work and school they had to deal with. And the dangerous move to America didn't help either This eventually lead to an argument.

"We need to do what's right for max!" Chloe exclaimed angrily

"Max? we gotta be honest with ourselves. WE NEVER WANTED HIM! HE WAS A MISTAKE." Mackenzie shouted angrily

Max sat in the doorway. His eyes widened.

Mackenzie immediately began to panic. The guilt hit him hard.

Max's eyes began to water and he began to tremble

Chloe's expresssion was that of anger,shock,and sadness

"Mackenzie..." Chloe said angrily under her breath

Max face was the same. He then ran away to the room.

"I..I." Mackenzie stammered in panic

"Mackenzie... HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT? THE BOY HAS BEEN THROUGH TO MUCH ALREADY. HE'S JUST A PUPPY! HE WASN'T A MISTAKE! HE'S OUR BABY! WE CHOSE TO HAVE HIM! WE AREN'T COOMERS!" Chloe exclaimed her face turning red with rage as she ran after max to comfort him.

(Coomers are the group in adult bluey who have s*x. For more info on all that check out character profiles)

Mackenzie stood in the middle of the living room. He was stammering to himself.

"What. What did I... why did I. I" Mackenzie muttered in Complete shock before tearing up. The guilt tearing away at his soul.

Chloe sat held max delicately in her arms comforting him.

"It's ok my little max. It's ok. Your not a mistake. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me." Chloe said as she gave the crying puppy a kiss to the forehead

Mackenzie entered to room

"I..I'm sorry." Mackenzie said Boeing his head in shame

Max shot Mackenzie an angry glare

Mackenzie sat next to Chloe and max.

"I'm so sorry max. I didn't mean what I said. I was just mad. But that is still no excuse to treat you like that. Me and your mum are young too. We have a lot on our minds and a lot to do. And we love you with all of our hearts. You aren't a mistake. Your a gift." Said Mackenzie

Max began to wag his tail and smile a bit

Mackenzie smiled at his son and held him.

As soon as he felt max cling to his fur and bury his head into his chest he knew he was forgiven.

Mackenzie gave the pup a small kiss He then glanced at Chloe

Her face said it all. A face of forgiveness as she hugged both of them.

Mackenzie was gonna make it up to them. And the next day he bought max a brand new transformer and took them out to dinner!

Mackenzie was young and scared but he still loved his family...

To be continued

I love you son | an adult bluey storyWhere stories live. Discover now