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His name was never meant to describe what he did. A part of him felt like his name was just meant as a sound to call to him, no real meaning, nothing that could catch anyone's eye or thought. But the more Zephyr flew along, finding a place to hide away and collect energy, the more he realized his name sounded like the wind in the earthen plane felt. He flew high up, his large wings outstretched behind him, his arms pulled out as he felt the breeze press against his arms.

Oh, how terribly he missed this feeling. And now he could enjoy it to its fullest.

He stopped flying higher, deciding instead to hover for a bit and stare at the moon above him. He pulled his ears back respectfully, formed a solid air barrier underneath himself, and sat in the sky to truly appreciate the celestial figure.

He wouldn't let the moon set from now on.

He remembered when he and... they were created, he learned quickly that the two soulmates were like day and night. One would create balance, the other disruption. Zephyr knew himself as the night part of him and his counterpart, and from then, began an appreciation for the moon, connecting to Her energy and feeding off of it. Today was a special day for him, which was why he was able to take advantage of the child so easily. The moon's power today was at its absolute strongest- it was full, close to the Earth, and was the second full moon of the month, making it a blue moon. His power was increased dramatically with the close proximity of the moon to the earth and all that came with it, and so here he sat, admiring His Lady with deep adoration in his gaze.

"Oh, my fair Moon, you've blessed me today," he hummed, a purr rumbling in his chest. While he was mostly unfamiliar with the body he was given, he quite enjoyed some of the comforting sounds that came from it. Like purring. Zephyr was a fan of the purring.

"You brought me a great amount of strength today when you shone upon me," he continued. "I owe you my most esteemed gratitude for this. You know why I needed this power, don't you, my Lady?"

The Drake stood on the air barrier he created and reached up to the moon.

"My Moon, I have suffered greatly! Your power will help me balance out the world by crumbling the balance that has gone untouched for millennia! Alabaster will finally know what it's like to have everything taken from them."

He clenched his hands into fists, pulling them down to his sides as memories flashed in his mind of the large white and rainbow Drake. The same Drake that locked him away, the one he loved more than anything in the world, the one he would set out to destroy.

Zephyr turned away from the Moon and stared out to the forests below, the towns and the buildings.

"I need help, My Lady. I can't defeat them by myself, I know this. I need people on my side to fight with me in the name of chaos, and I don't know what might've changed in the years between my last visit and now, what I can do now that I have Your power. Is there something I can do, My Selene?"

The Drake turned his fluffy head back up to the glowing eye in the sky, his gaze desperate for any sort of help from the moon, his heart. His new everything.

For a moment, nothing happened. But then, a ruffing under his fur caused him to scratch at his arms, and he snarled at the feeling.  ut when he pulled his hand away, he saw what appeared to be one of his many spots, stuck to his hand, shining as if made of plastic.

"Of course... I can mark others with my own markings. I'm a deity, a being made completely of chaos magic. I can use these and show others the light, the light that You shine down on me and the rest of the world. You, my Moon, are the reason I am who I am today, dark as the night but bright as a star. Captivating in every way, able to pull even large bodies of water away from their intended purposes. You are truly a chaotic entity, my sweet Moon, and I will do whatever it takes to live up to you."

The Drake dismissed the air barrier from below him, flapping his wings and hovering for a moment before flying away.

He stopped once more and looked back to the moon.

"I need to make sure she stays in place. This moon is not going anywhere tonight."

He stared at the moon for a heartbeat, and two, and three. He thought for a moment. There were dangers associated with stopping the rotation of the Earth, and not even he could do that. But... what if he stopped its orbit? And forced the moon to stay on this side of the Earth? Yes, yes, that might do...

So the Drake got to work. He needed to do whatever it took to keep the moon where it could give him the most power, and bending reality and physics in the magnitude he wanted would use up a lot of energy. But he could do it. He just needed to focus.

Zephyr made another air barrier to stand on and used the moment to pray to the Moon for forgiveness for disrupting her duty. He held his hands together in traditional prayer fashion, closing his eyes and folding his wings, focusing on the energy surrounding the moon. He pictured what exactly would be happening- the Earth would not orbit the Sun, but continue to spin. The moon would stay on one side of the earth, following its every move and staying full and bright and close. He waited a moment to allow reality to bend to this new law, and fluttered his eyes open. He stared at the sky, watching his darling Moon.

There was absolutely no movement, not even minutely. He smiled ear to ear, dispelling the solid air under his paws and flapping his wings hard.

Next step was to find an unsuspecting victim for his new power.

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