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"Please! Just leave me alone!"

The Drake was face-to-face with yet another possible proxy to his plans. He had found the fox wandering around the street in the eternal night, minding his own business, when he had just left Thomas's shop. He figured it was the right moment to take advantage of yet another poor sorry mortal, and so he pounced onto him and reveled in the fear and confusion that it caused.

He slowly removed another one of his spots, a slightly smaller one, and almost pressed it onto the fox, a wicked grin on his face.

And then, the sound of a clattering trashcan resonated in his ears, and he scowled towards the direction of the noise.

A taller tiger... ram... hybrid person was standing over the trashcan, slightly crouched, hands in his pockets, as he picked up what looked to be a wallet.

Zephyr looked at him, and watched him very slowly tuck the wallet into his pocket.

"I'm going to give you three seconds to explain yourself-"

The tiger-ram held up a finger to his mouth, shushing the Drake.

"Shh! I'm not here."

"Wh-" Zephyr sputtered, still holding the fox man beneath him with one hand and holding a spot sticker with his other.

"What are you uh... Doing, man?"

"If you absolutely must know, you.... interruptor... I'm gathering people to help me with something."

"It got anything to do with that sticker and the moon thing going on? People have been talking about it. It's like... not moving at all."

"I... Yes, actually, it does. I stopped Her from setting because I can do that with the power She granted me, and this sticker is one of the ways I've been recruiting people."

"Cool. Can I have it?" The tiger-ram held out his hand.

"You- Wh- I- You want the sticker?"

"Yeah. Did I stutter? Pretty sure I said what I said."

Zephyr was completely taken aback by this person. He seemed far too casual in the presence of something like this, and it was frankly quite intimidating. Was he himself a 50 foot long dragon with the ability to change the fabric of reality? Yes. But right now he was a very small calico cat man in the presence of a very tall tiger-ram that seemed to not give a single shit.

"Um..." Zephyr's voice cracked just a little, and he cleared his throat. "You need to know that this is no ordinary sticker, my friend. I am a god of chaos, and this is one of my many spots that make me who I am. Once this is on you, only I will have the power to remove it from you, and once it becomes a part of you, all you will know is chaos. Is all of this understood?"

Zephyr held the fox down with his paw as the other person inched closer to him as he spoke, holding the sticker out.

"Understood, now gimme."

Zephyr truly didn't know what to make out of this man, but the confusion started to wear off. Instead, a small smile spread across his face as he took the tiger-ram's hand and placed the sticker on it. Just like that, the sticker meshed with his hand, and he flexed his paw.

"Woah, this is cool... When does the chaos thing happen?"

"Uh... Right now, I suppose."

Zephyr snapped his fingers, and the tiger-ram watched in awe as the stripes and more spots began to spread out across his whole body. However, unlike Thomas, this person seemed almost delighted by the thing that was happening to him. Zephyr even watched his eyes change color, but the blue of his normal eyes remained. It was almost as if...

"Oh fuck you were not kidding about the chaos thing", the tiger-ram said finally, slightly out of breath but all smiles nonetheless.

"You... How are you still in control of yourself? When I do this, the proxy should be my puppets, not... whatever's going on with you."

He watched the person in front of him admire the markings on his body, with a smile on his face. When Zephyr asked his question, he stopped admiring himself and straightened up, tucking his hands back into his pockets.

"Dude, I'm almost constantly thinking about shit like arson and mild theft. You literally watched me swipe up a wallet. I don't care, I basically do everything this magic is telling me anyway."

Zephyr stared at this person for a long moment, and then let out a hearty chuckle.

"Alright, I like you. We already have a lot in common. Tell me, friend, what's your name?"

The tiger ram, clicking his hooves onto the ground, gave the Drake a crooked smile.

"Name's Firefly. What about you?"

The Drake smiled and backed up a little, bowing to Firefly respectfully.

"My name is Zephyr, Firefly. I am what you might call a Drake, which is why I'm here looking like this instead of my full, handsome self."

"Alright, slow down man," Firefly chuffed, holding a hand up. " What the hell is a Drake?"

The thought of Firefly not knowing what a Drake was... Was there really no record of him and his species anywhere?

"Oh, well," he began. "Drakes are spirits of pure magic, created and dwelling within a parallel plane called the ethereal realm. We are made of excess magic that this world and that world do not share and can't be absorbed, and as such, my species was created. I was brought here through this... Kid... because its bloodline forces something similar to this every time people in its family turn 18 cycles old. I am one of two oldest Drakes, and I am the Drake of Chaos and Discord. My job is, to put it colloquially, fuck everything up to disrupt, and thus create, balance."

Firefly leaned against the building next to him, pulling out one of his pocket knives and flipping it opened and closed. He did this for a moment before flipping it open and tapping the tip in his chin.

"Okay. So you're here and you wanna fuck things up?"

"That is correct, yes."

"Sounds hot, I'm in."

"Sounds wh- you know what? Nevermind. I'm not asking. I'm just going to go with whatever you say because Moon knows what's going on in your head right now."

With that, Zephyr turned on his heel and started to walk away.

"Hey, wait, what about this guy over here?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah."

Zephyr turned back around and faced the scared fox on the ground in the alley, seemingly trying to catch his breath.

"What are you uh... Gonna do?"

"Well, the less people know, the better, and we both know mortals like to run their mouths, yes?"

"I mean, I guess. I've heard my fair share of gossip but I'm too much of a dumbass to remember most of it."

Zephyr let out a snort and faced the fox.

"Well, they can't blabber if they don't have mouths, yes?"

The fox looked up and curled his tail around himself, his eyes widening in fear.

"Oh god what are you going to do to me please don't-"

With a snap, Zephyr turned the panicking fox into a succulent in a pot, picking it up and holding it close to him.

"Might as well take it with us, I suppose. I may be a being of pure chaos, but even I can't pass up on taking care of a plant."

"Sure man, whatever you say."

With that, Zephyr and Firefly walked off, talking about the plan and also the proper lighting conditions for an aloe.

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