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The Colvis had finally had enough with dancing around the issue at hand, and in a collective agreement, decided to go searching for the journal of Anjelica Colvi. Merlot had an idea of where it might be, in the forest where she spend most of her young life. The black and white cat had heard that before she died, she left it there for her family to find again one day when they needed it, and she and Heathcliff both agreed that this was as good a time as any to go hunting it down. So, with Pebbles watching Cloud and Mittens, the two Colvis set off to search for the wooden cabin.


"How far is it again?"

"Don't worry, we'll know when we get there."

Merlot had been flying above the trees with her husband by her side, following the pull of magic that originated from her ancestor's home.

"I'm not sayin' ah don't believe ya, Merls, I'm just sayin'... I'm worried. What if somethin' happens to Cloud while we're away and Pebbles can't handle it himself?" Heathcliff's tail twitched uncomfortably as he talked to his wife, his orange eyes glowing in worry. The two cats stopped flying and hovered in the air for a moment. Merlot embraced the smaller cat and held him close to her chest in silence.

"Pebbles knows how to calm Cloud down if his emotions start running haywire again. He knows his brother better than any of us, and I think he'll be okay."

Heathcliff let out a sigh and wrapped all of his arms around his wife, burying his face in her chest fur and using it to ground himself as his worries about his family circle around in his head. It was never easy to think about, the fact that their youngest son had a chaotic and malevolent entity dwelling within him, that could destroy the home they knew and loved in the blink of an eye. But he was still their son at the end of the day, and still the same sweet and loving cat Merlot raised.

He was just confused.

"We're gettin' answers for this whole thing, Ah know we are, but... what if we don't find what we're lookin' for? What if... What if Ala-whatsit never told your ancestor who it was? Or-"

Merlot put her paw on his muzzle and shook her head. "We aren't questioning it right now. We're going to look for the journal, and if the journal doesn't have answers, then we get answers ourselves."

Heathcliff moved her paw away with one of his paws. "But Cloud-"

"Cloud will be fine, darling. We were able to beat the Drake once, we can beat him again. In whatever way works. Now, I'm going to move my paw, and you are to nod and agree. Okay honey?"

The golden cat, holding his paw to his wife's own that's over his mouth, nodded slowly.


She moved her paw and away from him completely, taking off once more in the direction of the cabin.

Heathcliff, still worrying, followed wordlessly.


"It's here!"

The black and white cat chirped excitedly, her tail fluffing up as she finally landed on the ground in front of the little cottage built in the middle of the forest. The golden one followed close behind her, crossing all of his arms across his chest and abdomen as he stared up at it.

"It... sure looks hand-built," Heathcliff murmured. That got him a gentle smack in the back of his head, a snort coming from Merlot as he made fun of the family home.

"Be nice! This is where our family, our traditions, where they all began. Anjelica Colvi was a genius in her time. She was one of the first people to discover a way into the ethereal plane by magical means, and the first to get out the same way. She was a magnificent sorceress and so incredibly studious. I like to imagine that's what Alabaster liked about her; they sounded like the kind of Drake that liked bright minds. S'Why they stuck with her." Merlot had taken one of Heathcliff's paws and had lead him into the cottage as she spoke highly of her multi-great-grandmother. She began shuffling through books in her bookshelves, while Heathcliff tried to check more obscure places.

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