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It was almost time. The air was shifting in his favor and Zephyr had never felt more relaxed than he did at this moment. Everything was falling into place just as he had hoped it would, and he was ready to destroy everything that Alabaster could possibly have balanced.

He had been pacing the main room that he and his new lackeys- both the willing and unwilling ones- had taken up residence in. His face was in peaceful thought as he paced, trying to think of different things he could be doing.

"Hey, Zeph," Firefly called from where he was sitting, which appeared to be upside down in a chair.

"Hm? What is it, Firefly?"

"What are we like... doing? Like in general?"

"I thought we went over this. We're going to cause as much havoc as possible until I feel like we've ruined everything Alabaster has work hard for."

"Cool okay, that's what I... thought the plan was. Totally didn't forget."

Zephyr let out a long-suffering sigh, but he smiled at the tiger-ram and continued to pace.

"Oh, Zeph, what uh... What are we doing about Thomas?"

Said gray cat was reading a book on the couch across the room, his tail curled around his paws which were pulled up onto the seat.

"I'm fine, thank you Firefly," Thomas called, his voice twanging in irritation.

"Alright, geez. I guess he's fine then!" Firefly flipped open one of his pocket knives and started tossing it in the air, a grin on his face. Zephyr turned around when he heard the click of the knife opening, and watched Firefly almost shank himself in the hand a grand total of 5 times within 3 minutes.

He shrugged and continued to pace.

Thomas shut his book and placed it on the table in front of him. The gray cat sat up and watched Zephyr pace, his eyes narrowed.

"I get it, Firefly is your favorite because he wants to help you and I don't, but why do you need me then? If all I'm going to do is be contrary until you strip me of my autonomy, then why keep me around?"

Zephyr looked to Thomas with a half-lidded smile, upturning from his thinking face from only moments ago.

"Because," Zephyr began. "I need someone to prove to everyone that I can and will use every single power at my disposal to ruin everyone's life. And that person just so happened to be you."

Zephyr waved his hand at the gray cat. "You aren't special, the aloe plant could've just as easily been where you are, but it isn't, we have you."

Thomas let out a sigh and sat back down.

"What do we do while we wait for the right time then?"

Firefly threw his pocket knife to the ceiling, where it stuck and stayed. The tiger-ram laughed and rolled himself backwards off of the chair onto the floor. He looked to Zephyr.

"Yeah! How long do we have to wait?"

Zephyr smiled at the two of them with a nod.

"Very soon, friends, don't worry. Firefly..." He looked up to the ceiling, and his tail fell to the ground, his ears pulling back.

"Firefly- goddammit- get your knife out of the ceiling."

"God, fine Dad." The tiger-ram huffed and jumped up, knocking the knife off of the ceiling and letting it clatter to the ground.

"Okay.... Well, I'm going to go meditate and build up some energy. You two... just stay out of trouble, okay?"

The tiger-ram and the gray cat gave the Drake a nod, and Zephyr turned away into his personal room.

In the darkness, he sat in the middle of the floor, closed his eyes, and drifted away.






Where am I?

Where's Andi? Connor?


... Khloe?

It's dark, I'm scared.

What is this place? Why do I feel like I've been sleeping forever?

Come on, Cloud, think. Where were you earlier?

I was... I was with my friends. We were spending time, playing games. And then...

And then...


I'm suffocating in the chaos aren't I? Haha.... That's just my luck, I guess.

All I wanted to do was be able to be a good kid and do good things for people. And now here I am, stuck in a swamp of chaos with no way out and no idea which way is up or down. I'm probably hurting so many people like this, and I don't even have the means to save myself.

Maybe this was for the best... Maybe I was meant to just... Act as a vessel for Zephyr. Maybe this was my destiny all along and I wasn't meant to be a good person.

Maybe I'm nobody.



No... I know I'm somebody. I'm Andi's boyfriend. I'm my parents' son, Pebbles' younger brother and Mittens' older brother. I know I'm someone important to so many people.

So why...

Why is escaping and saving them so hard?

Why do I feel so weak and heavy?

Why me?




Zephyr opened his eyes, blinking away the slight bit of drowsiness he managed to pick up from the darkness and calm.

Calm... Somehow, despite his love of chaos and mayhem, the one thing he enjoyed the most was serenity. Maybe peaceful chaos was possible, something quiet but also chaotic. Would that be possible?

No, no it wouldn't work. Besides, chaos was just the stepping stone to the true goal of ruining Alabaster's pride and joy.

That was his main goal all along, and he didn't want to give that up.

Newly refreshed and restored, with just the smallest itch in the back of his mind, Zephyr got up and left his room to rejoin the boys.

I'll show you, Alabaster. I don't need you. I don't miss you.

I don't love you.

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