Boss Battle

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It didn't take very long for the group of eight to meet at the same spot they had lost Cloud. It felt like so long ago since the young calico had been stripped of his autonomy and dragged somewhere else, and yet even with the illusion of time at a standstill, it was obvious it had only been a day. Regardless, the family was ready to take on whatever chaos wrought upon the world.


Zephyr was ready. His energy replenished, his lackeys armed, including the fox that had agreed to help after Zephyr's magic wore off on him. The whole "being a plant" thing apparently wasn't as bad as previously imagined, and it gave the fox some time to cool down and think about things. And those things just so happened to align with Zephyr's, and so the fox joined the chaos party.

The four of them reached the clearing, Zephyr staring on with nostalgia in his eyes.

"Back here so soon, after everything I went through to get here. Ah, how time flies."

"It's been one day."

"Hush, Firefly. Let me enjoy this. Right here, in the same place I emerged fully into the earthen realm, I will enact my revenge on the Drake that imprisoned me. Right here, I will make them reap what they sowed and I will enjoy every last minute of it."

The Drake's soft face split into a wild grin, and he outstretched his wings to launch himself into the air. Once there, he looked out across the horizons and his smile only widened more.

They would regret the day they ever hurt him.


In one fell swoop, the Drake flapped his wings hard against the wind, letting go of a shockwave of magic that he and his friends would feel very little of, but that the world would be shaken by.

He watched as said shockwave morphed and twisted the landscape around him. Trees became large flowers, flowers became small trees, flatlands grew up or fell deep into hills and valleys. He watched the world become something completely different and watched as people in the distance were overtaken by the chaos that resonated in their hearts.

He hovered in the air, completely enthralled in the euphoria that accompanied the sights he was beholding. This was his work and his work alone, and he was undoing all of the careful balance his... No, that Alabaster tried so damn hard to uphold. He reveled in the feeling of the bright moonlight on his fur, filling him with delight and power akin to a god's own.

He felt as if nothing would stop him.

And in that moment of pure bliss, he heard a rustling coming from the opposite direction, the direction he was currently facing. He watched as seven figures made themselves known, and he grinned.

"Welcome, welcome! How do you like the place? I made sure to add enough of my own touch to make it comfortable~" The drake clasped his hands together and gave the most pleased, shit-eating grin to the group that had just joined the fray.

However, his grin dropped when he saw the child's partner across the way.

"Those scales... Those horns... No, you didn't- you couldn't have-"

Andi stepped forward, letting their wings stretch behind themself and display the colors as Zephyr would recognize them.

"You're done, Zephyr! You will no longer be getting away with this..." The ringtail crouched, outstretching their wings in order to get some air, and launched themself at Zephyr.

"Because WE are here!" Andi and Alabaster flew up towards where Zephyr rested in the air, hands balled into fists as they stared at the Drake in front of them.

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