Prologue: Four Long Years and Three Months Later

Start from the beginning

I was different and Mia said she couldn't recognize me when she saw me in the magazines. I was now a rocker-looking chick and I liked it, most of the time. I liked my new life and my new friends in the band. I sighed at the routine of my thoughts. It was always like this after a long show. I would stare at myself in the mirror and wonder if I had done the right thing in becoming a singer. Then I would counter all those thoughts with positive things about my new life. It's times like this that I wish I had a lover to talk to about my troubles.

I turned on the shower and walked into the massive space. I loved the waterfall showerhead and would always admire the stonework that decorated the three walls. I was just happy that I could enjoy my shower with no interruptions.

I heard my doorbell ring.

"What the hell?" I rinsed off the rest of the soap suds on my body, turned off the shower, and grabbed a towel. I walked to my front door slowly. I glanced at the wall clock, it read 1 a.m. and I started to worry as to who could be at my door so late at night. I looked out the peephole, but there was no one there. I waited for a few minutes and when no one rang again, I slowly opened the door. I looked down the hall and saw no one in either direction. I looked down at my welcome mat and saw a neat little box. I picked it up and again looked both ways, but there was still no sign of anyone. I pulled the box inside and closed my door and locking it tight. I placed the box on the table and went to get dressed before I opened it.

Once I was dressed, I sat at the table just staring at the gift. I hadn't been receiving these too often now, but this was starting to get a little out of hand. I knew the gifts were from a fan and I also knew that I was the only one receiving them. The guys were a little freaked out by it, but I was just happy that it hadn't been bad so far. A rose here, a love letter there, some fan art as well, but for my fan to drop something off so late at night, couldn't mean anything good, right?

I opened the gift cautiously and breathed a sigh of relief when I only found a dozen roses and a picture I'd signed.....recently. I had met my fan and I had no idea who he was. I hadn't written his name and I couldn't recall his face but I remember this message. 'To my biggest fan, May all your dreams come true. With lots of Luv, Venus.'

I dropped the picture of the band in the box and picked up the letter.

Dear Venus,

I hope you know that my dream is to win your affections. I know that you may think I'm after your status and money but I am not. I can see it in your eyes when you sing about love how much you long for it and I want to be the one to show you the feeling. I care for you and I hope you can come to care for me the same way. I know your birthday is coming up soon and I have a wonderful surprise planned out for you and I. I hope you'll let me celebrate your special day with you.

Yours Truly,

Your Biggest Fan.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I knew that I wouldn't be in town for my birthday. I was going on tour at the end of the next month. After the tour, I was going back to Texas because Mia wanted me home to help her with the wedding plans while I was on my break. I would have to crank out a new album with the band, when they got back, before the tour started. I guess I could write about my biggest fan or the need for someone special. I pulled out my journal and scribbled out some thoughts. I just hoped that this fan didn't turn into some psycho killer dude just because I couldn't be with him. I wished I could get in touch with him to let him down easy. I hadn't been with anyone in the past few years, but that didn't mean it would stay that way forever.

The paparazzi hadn't bothered with our band very much, but they were always asking questions about our personal lives. I was pretty fed up with trying to explain that I wasn't secretly dating any of the guys in my band. One, it's tacky and two, it's so very lazy.

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