Busy Life, Not A Wife

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Chapter Forty-Eight:

It was a hassle being your best friend's maid of honor. I couldn't think straight half the time I was awake and around her and then other half I was dead on my feet. She wanted the wedding to happen right after the premier, before all the buzz started about the movie her groom would be starring in. She wanted to get married as soon as possible because they were going to honeymoon in Prague and then she would spend the next six months in Europe doing all sorts of model-y stuff.

I was helping her in the rush planning but she had also hired two wedding planners who seemed to have this outstanding competition going between them and they were running me and their prospective assistants ragged. I sighed as I got into the house and sat on the couch. I was starved and it seemed to be all the time these days. Nothing besides the wedding was ever on my mind, not even eating. I made sure to keep hydrated those and Izzy liked to keep plenty of juice around and would make sure I ate when she did.

Whenever I would get home, Sebastian would be at the stove cooking for me. I looked to the kitchen to find it dark. I glowered wondering where he could have gone and why. I stayed in my spot for a while before the curiosity got the best of me. I looked around the kitchen and saw a note saying he went to run errands. I noticed the time he wrote on the note. He had a tendency to do that. He would ask me to do the same so he knew how long I would be.

I looked at the clock. He had been gone for four hours. I wondered what kind of errands would keep him away so long. I pulled out my cellphone and called his. I frowned when it rang once and went to voicemail. I called again only to have in ring until it went to voicemail. Why wasn't he answering my calls?

I waited for about five minutes before I picked up the phone again, only to have it ring in my hands. I answered it waiting to here Sebastian's voice but heard Izzy's instead. She was calling to asked if I had ran all the errands she had asked of me. I told her I had and told her she was no longer allowed to call after six for wedding issues. She was going to have to keep those kinds of things for the daytime. After I hung up on her, I put the phone down and went to the pantry to find something to cook for dinner. I wasn't inept in the kitchen, I just preferred to have Sebastian cook for me.

Sebastian came home right as I finished making dinner. He looked worse for wear but otherwise healthy. He grumbled at me before he went to his room to change. I noticed the lipstick on his collar and decided I shouln't question him. As much as we lived like a couple, we weren't and I shouldn't act like the jealous wife because I was far from it.

He came back into the kitchen looking fresh and lipstick free, but didn't mention where he had been. I served us and set the table. I got him a beer and poured myself a glass of wine. We sat down to eat and after saying grace, Sebastian dug into my homemade lasagna.

"I called you earlier. Twice," I told him before taking a bite of my food. He stopped eating altogether and then glanced at me.

"I was running errands," he told me.

"For six hours, Sebastian? If I were gone that long without a proper explanation you would be pestering me with questions until you were satisfied," I told him.

"Stop acting like a jealous wife," he grumbled.

"Need I remind you that my safety is of your utmost concern," I told him, trying to hold back an angry retort.

"Exactly why I ask you where you were. You shouldn't concern yourself with my life, Raven. It isn't your business," he told me.

"If something happens to you, then I will be without a protector and then where will I be? Homeless, because you won't let me live in my own place and guard-less because you think that knowing where I was, when I come home perfectly safe and sound makes a damn difference when it doesn't. Now, don't you go telling me that I'm acting jealous when I haven't even asked about that damn lipstick all over your shirt," I told him. I groaned inwardly. I hadn't meant to let that slip.

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