Got A Pin?

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Kai's POV

I have gotten over the pain of being shocked mostly, but I am having trouble trying to get out of these bonds like most of the others in here.

I only recognized Selma of the serpentine pack from when she visited the pack a few weeks ago. I don't know how long we have been in here, but I would guess at least four hours now. The door opens and all our heads turned to the one who entered.

The females growled while I just struggled harder to get out of my binds and kick him where I know it will hurt. He walked in standing in the middle of the room smiling as if he has already won.

"Hello ladies," he looked at me. "And human," he said. The ladies growled while I could only glare.

"I am sure you all have questions for me," He said. "And they will be answered now. Pythor said. "I have been quite busy planning all your captures. I knew your pathetic alphas would submit easily once they knew I had you all at my mercy. Where the idea that lunas were equal came from I will never know, but I know that once they hand over their titles and lands to me I will become the ultimate alpha of the world and you want to know what will become of them?" Pythor asks with a smug smirk. "Their throats will be slit," he laughed as we all struggled to get out of our binds and yelled profanity through our gags. He laughs at us. "And if you are good I might just keep you all around. I do need my own Luna after all," He looked at me walking over.

I glared and struggled as he approached me. "You would be the perfect candidate. Someone quiet and docile like all humans," Pythor said and took a deep breath of my scent. "And perfect in bed. I don't think I will wait for that pathetic boy to give up his title. I think I will just go ahead now," his teeth sharpened as he leaned in the bite my neck.

The other woman in the room struggled in their bonds to help me. I am scared I will admit it especially when he licked my neck. I was not going to be helpless though. I head butted him as hard as I could and he stumbled back shocked I did that. I gave him a look that said.

Fuck you

He growls and punched me in the stomach hard enough I doubled over in pain. "I would snap your neck if I didn't still need you alive," Pythor growled at me. I ignore the pain and smirked at him smug. He growled and kicked me in the gut again and left.

I look at the woman in here who were all looking at me with some level of respect or they think I am stupid. Probably a bit of both. I looked at my restraints thinking of what to do. I can't let Cole die not after everything we have done. Wait? Does this mean I do like him? Meh I think it feels more like a crush.

Anyway I looked at my restraints and moved them a little. It was not too tight, but not enough to get me out of it. I thought for a moment when a idea came to mine. I braced myself and dislocated my wrist. I bite back a whimper of pain and managed to work my way out of the confine of my right hand then pulled off my gag. Once it got that done I pulled at the other one holding my wrist. It would not come open and I looked to the girl next to me who had green eyes and red hair. "Got a pin?" I asked. She moved the side of her head and I reached over pulling a pin from her hair. I stuck it in the lock wiggling it around. As a blacksmith I knew a bit about picking locks and in no time at all I had it undone. I quickly did the other locks and within three minutes I was free. I relocated my shoulder wincing then I quickly got to work freeing the others.

I had just gotten the red head and a girl with white hair out when some guards came in. "Hey! Stop right there!" They shouted charging. "You keep picking the locks we got this," the red head said as she and the white haired girl charged at the two guards shifting.

I quickly go to the rest picking their locks as fast as I could. Each one I released joined the fight eager for blood. By the time I released the last one no one was left. We all escaped and got to the surface outside seeing we were by a forest and the sun was rising.

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