Past and Present

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it had been 1 week since Clarke and Lexa's date.  Clarke liked Lexa a lot but she was scared to be out at the new school her friends were happy that Clarke liked someone finally. and someone that liked her back. Clarke had also been hanging around the football team a lot because Of Octavia's crush on the quarterback. the girls had gone to a lot of the games so Octavia could try and flirt with the quarterback. Octavia was a very " go for it " type of girl if she saw something she liked she did not hesitate to take it.  however, Clarke went with Octavia to see Lexa Cheer she found the brunette rather attractive in her uniform. she didn't even care to watch the game she could not take her eyes off the captain. 

~ Friday ~

Clarke was getting ready for the game after the game. Clarke told her friends she would meet them at the game she wanted to walk to clear her head.  she was ready and was walking out the door she didn't live with her mom because her mom had a full-time job at the hospital so she lived with raven and Octavia about 3 months ago they found a house and they decided they would live together. because after what happened to Clarke at her last school all the girls wanted to do was keep their best friend safe. Clarke's mom didn't mind her living with the girls. Clarke put in her headphones and started to walk to the school and listen to her playlist as she was walking Clarke started to remember all of her memories with O and Raven  2 days marked the 15 years that they had been friends. they would always celebrate by going to a beach or somewhere special. but they usually would go to a beach and camp out there for a night or so.  it was Clarke's favorite day she got to spend a whole day with the best friends but they were more like sisters. 

~ the game~ 

Clarke was late she was running up the bleachers trying to find her friends when she ran into Finn. fin got hurt last game so he couldn't play for a couple of weeks. " hey Clarke" he said stopping her in her tracks she saw her friends but they were still looking for her.  " hey Finn i am kinda in a hurry" Finn was a bit drunk he was mad that she couldn't  Play. " why you in a hurry you can stay here with me" he said grabbing Clarke arm. Clarke tried to pull it away " Finn stop I need to get to my friends"  Finn makes his grip harder on the blonde. " Finn stop your hurting me"  " come on Princesse sit with me and i can drive you home after or take you to my house  " the only one who called Clarke princess was her father no one else has ever called her that. " Clarke yells " get off me " at that point Octavia and Raven were running over to Clarke. Finn punched Clarke 3 times Clarke fell to the ground Lexa saw that and ran over to Clarke. Octavia was punching Finn and Raven ran over to Clarke. Clarke got beat up so much. .  Clarke was on the floor not moving  Lexa was holding her in her arms. Raven yelled at Octavia to get something out of the bag " O hurry up she can't beat" Octavia ran and gave raven the shot  " come on baby girl come back to me." Raven was crying  Clarke wasn't moving. about 30 seconds later her hand twitched " we got movement O lest go" Octavia kicked Finn " if you ever touch her again I will kill you" 

~at there house~ 

Clarke passed out in the car

Lexa gave the girls a ride to the house she was allowed in they put Clarke on the couch and Octavia started to yell " I can't believe this happened. Again we moved school so this wouldn't happen and then it did. I swear it like everything is out to get us.  I am gonna kill him" Clarke woke up she saw the girls standing and talking.  Clarke coughed to let them know she woke up. raven and O ran to the couch. " hey baby girl how are you feeling" Octavia said stroking Clarke's arm " my head hurts" raven got Clarke Ice   Lexa, Raven and O sat down next to Clarke in silence for a while, and then Clarke spoke, "he said something before he ..."  Octavia just stood up and said some words that Lexa did not understand   " Jus drien Jus daun. Ai tich op him ( I am  gonna teach him blood must have blood)  " Clarke looked at the raven   " O hod op non gon him ( O stop)" Lexa was so confused  " what the hell are you guys saying" Clarke looked at Lexa with a smile " when we were little we made up a language O talking in English"  Octavia looked at Clarke with tears in her eyes. it was rare for O to cry. but Octavia hated it when people hurt Clarke. " O I am fine I have gone through worse" she motioned for her friend to sit next to her. " this has happened before," Lexa said   Raven looked at Clarke " Tell her "  Clarke looked at Raven " tell me what," Lexa said confused  Clarke only told her friends and her mom what happened 2 years ago. because that when it got out of hand  Clarke looked at Lexa " umm yes it has happened to me before. it actually has happened to me a lot of times but it got really bad about 2 years ago 

~ 2 years ago~ 

Clarke was walking to O and Raven's house. but on her way to there house Ontari saw Clarke and started to run after her Clarke was running as fast as she could but ontari caught up to her and jumped on Clarke Clarke fell to the sidewalk and Clarke hit her head really hard. Clarke was luckily outside of the girl's house but they didn't get to her till after ontari beat her up some more. Clarke was not moving at all. the girls quickly called Clarkes mom and. they got to Clarke just in time. Clarke was in a coma for a year. up. and after Clarke woke up she was paralyzed for 3 months they said that her brain. shut off the part of the movement. luckily with a lot of surgeries and treatment, Clarke finally got her movement back but now anytime she got hit. she passes out and her brain shuts off so the doctors made a sho that he has to get injected as soon as they can or els she body will go into complete shock and she could be paralyzed again. 

~peasent time~

Lexa was crying she could not believe that Clarke was in a coma for 1  year and could not move for 3-month lexa now  would do anything to protect Clarke she would do it no matter what " hey do you not tell anyone" Clarke looked at her friends " I bear it so they don't have to" she said pointing at her best friend who ere asleep

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