the Date 😊

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Clarke stood at the door her friends shedding tears "hey," Clarke said smiling at Lexa and how she was so beautiful. Lexa was just at a loss of words she found Clarke memorizing.  Lexa was punching herself in the head. telling herself to say something " you look -" Lexa got cut off by Clarke " you too" raven was crying she was so happy that her best friend ( sister) was going on her first date with a good girl. " raven would you cut it out" Octavia just gave the Latina a tissue box. " thanks O"  Clarke just slapped her had on her forehead and felt a bit embarrassed. " wanna get out of here before these to idiots go all crazy on us" Clarke sed to the brunette with a smile. all Lexa could do was nod as the blonde walked away the two girls stood in the doorway. " bring her back before 1:00 am or your in trouble." they both shouted. Clarke just flicked her middle finger at them and laughed. 

" So where are we going" Lexa smiled at the blonde. " you will see" Lexa started to drive. Clarke huffed at the brunette because she didn't like surprises. Lexa put on some music and Clarke and the brunette sang to every song they knew on the radio. after 15 minutes of driving the Finlay got there and Clarke's eyes grew so big and wide she was in heaven   the building said 

Eligus Arcade and laser Tag 

Clarke love arcade and she loved laser tag more "You're going down Woods " Clarke yelled from the car door. " well see about that"  both girls went in and got their passes and started to play games. they played air hockey for 1 hour and Clarke won 2 out of the 3 games but in all fairness Clarke let Lexa win. and when Lexa finally won she danced around the air hockey table chanting " I am victorious no one can beat me" and all Clarke did was laugh at the brunette.  " hey Woods" Clarke yelled as the Burnett stopped dancing and looked at the blonde.  " yes new girl" Lexa said with a smile. Clarke just looked into the brunette's beautiful green eyes and smiled." wanna go play Lazer Tag or are you afraid you gonna loose" Lexa said in a teasing voice to the blonde.  the blonde ran to the laser tag and got their equipment and started to play.  Lexa was amazing at it she got 6 kids out in the span of 4 minutes. it was like she knew what she was doing. Clarke just started at the lexa's stunning body.  Clarke got out by a kid and she didn't even notice.  Lexa caught the blonde looking at her and just smiled. " hey new girl your out hahaha i win" Clarke snapped out of her trance and blushed. Clarke walked out and put her gear away and just waited for Lexa to come out. Lexa was the last one out and. for that, she got a prize Clarke was looking at a stuffed  Wolf and Lexa saw her staring at it. Lexa went up to the prize desk person and taped the desk. " I would like to have the big stuffed wolf please." Lexa asked the person in charge of the prizes he grabbed the wolf off the wall and all of a sudden Clark realized who he was. " Murphy?" murphy was one of Clarke's only friends at her last school. one day murphy saw Clarke on the ground getting beat up by some kids and he went over to them and punched them so hard that they all fell to the floor.  and after he was done beating the last kid up he went and helped Clarke stand up. and from that day on they were close friends well, Octavia didn't really like him but even had a big crush on him but he was already with a girl named Emori.  Murphy helped Clarke when Raven and O couldn't  " oh my god if it isn't Clarke Griffin in the flesh" murphy went to hug his friend. " hey how is the new school you still get beat up do i need to take care of anyone" murphy was like a big brother to Clarke.  " no Murph i am fine" Murphy just nodded and looked at Lexa " Hi i am murphy" " Lexa Woods nice to meet you"

Clarke gave murphy her new number and they decided that the old group should meet up again after that. Lexa drove Clarke home. Clarke was walking back to the house when Lexa called her " hey New Girl ... I had fun tonight we should do it again" Clarke smiled and nodded  she walked into the house and her two friends were wanting for her " so... tell us everything" Clarke closed the door and smield  

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