i will always be with you ( the last chapter)

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after the night they had even tho rave ruined it they played in bed after she left and laughed. then blue meets green and everything around them just stopped. just one look at each other and it was like they knew what each other were thinking. Lexa had never been as close to anyone as Clarke she felt as if Clarke knew her better than anyone. " you are my on and only Clarke no one can make me feel the way you do" Clarke smiled at those words " same here" Clarke said cuddling into her girlfriend.  Lexa sat up to look at her phone " Shit  i have a cheer meet today i have to get ready your coming rght" Clarke smiled at her girlfriend's body as lexa got dressed " hey babe" lexa said snaping Clarke out of it " yeah yeah i will be there" Clarke said sitting up " okay grate it's in 2 hours I will see you there" lexa kissed Clarke and walked out the door " love you" Lexa said as she left the room. " love you too" Clarke whisperd. Clarke went back to bed but woke up about an hour later to a knock at the door. she walked down stairs  after getting dressed and opened the door " what the hell are you doing here" Clarke said to her mom and dad " you weren't answering our calls so we came to you" Clarke rolled her eyes " i told you i want nothing to do with you two you ruined my life." Clarke said as tears rushed down her face " you are horrible people and honestly i hope you die and go to hell" Clarke said yelling at her parents she antecedently butt-dialed Octavia and raven

. " put her on speaker," raven said to octavia as they were driving. they were on there way to the mall to meet up with lincon and luna for there Dubel date they would have ivited clarke and lexa but they knew that lexa had cheer. " hey clarke whats up" raven said but only heard hevy beathing and then thats when they heard the bottel barke and they knew what was happending " see this is why I left and  why you went to jail. you two litterally ruined my life." clarke said backing up. slowly

Clarke was terrified insied but she knew that rave and Octavia were coming they always came by at the same time every day. she backed up ever so slowly " dont do this" she heard her dad say those words she never heard form him not just because he was nto in her life but because whent she did remeber of him yes he was kind to her but he always did what clarke's mother asked of him. " dont do this you want a good relationship its not built off of hurting her. but showing that you care" her dad said and her mom surprisingly listened she put the glass bottle down and looked at jake clarks dad.  she tured to look at Clarke " i am sorry for what i did to you Clarke" she said walking toward her daughter " still go to hell i don't want you in my life"  clarke said yelling  but clarks mom got out of control and hit clarke in the head clarke fell to the floor and did not move. allie just sat there but after a few minutes she got worried " clarke wake up" jake said Octavia and raven got to the house and ran inside they saw. raven ran to clarke as octavia just yelled " WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO"  O had tears in her eyes jake looked at octavia confused " who are you" jake said looking at the two " her best frieds" raven looked at Octavia " O call Lex she needs to know. we have to get her to the hospital she had been out for too long"  Octavia went in the other room to call lexa the girls clarke loved more than anything in the world how was she gonignt o tell lexa that clarke got hit and might not wake up. 

after a couple of rings, Lexa picked up it was half time " hey O where the fuck is clarke she is sint here" Octavia was crying and lexa could tell " O what's wrong " lexa said with a shaky voice she could tell that something was really wrong if Octavia was crying " umm its Clarke" Octavia said in a shaky voice "  what happened" Lexa said worried " Ummm she got in a fight and she is unconscious we came to late." octavia knew if she told lexa who hurt clarke that lexa would hurt them too. and even tho clarke hated her parents she was a kind person who never would ask anyone to hurt someone for her. " meet us at the hospital we are on our way right now" octavia said lexa ran out of the field she dint care if she was leaving the meet early she just wanted to know that Clarke would be okay .

~ at the hospital~ 

after about 20 minutes the doctor came out it wasn't Clarks mom but someone else  " hello i am guessing you are  Octavia and Raven." the doctor said " yes but how do you know" he smiled " i am Jackson every i am Abby's assistant and she said if anything were to happen to Clarke that you were on her family list." both the girls smiled " thanks doctor avery." raven said " oh please call me Jackson miss griffin is like my godmother." raven smiled "okay but how is Clarke" Jackson looked down " he brain is shut off again and it will take a long time to heal" raven interrupted " is she in a coma again " raven said with a tear running down her face " yes but this time it looks like she might wake up yes her bain is shut off but its a merical because all of her brain damage from the last incident has healed so she has more of a chance of waking up. you can go see her now if you want"  the two girls looked at each other and knew that the best thing to do was wait for Lexa and let lexa see her first. about 10 minutes later Lexa ran through the door. " what happened where is she okay will she live" lexa asked so many questions while out of beath and tears " who are you" Jackson asked "I am Lexa woods her girlfriend"  Jackson nodded and led lexa to Clarks room she saw Clarke hooked up to all of theses tube and machines and she didn't like it all she wanted was Clarke to be okay to be alive. she sat down next to clarke and just looked at the blonde she smiled. as a tear started to fall and then after a while she said something " hey babe i dont know if you can hear me but i need to to be strong and fight. i know you can do and i believe in you you are my soul my rock my life and i will never leave you no matter how long it takes for you to wake up i will be right here by your side." 

~9 months later 

and lexa was right she never left her side for the first two week lexa dint even go to school she just sat right next to clarke and talked to her all day. but then after a whiel she needed to go back so she did. everyone was asking her if she was okay and she hated it all she wanted  was for the love of her life to wake up. but clarke didn't. but lexa never gave up hope she knew that someday clarke would wake up and it would be as if not time passed as if clarke never even left her. after school lexa would always go to the hospital and tell clakre about her day. lexa liked to talk to clarke even if she didnt respond Lexa had a feeling Clarke was listening to every word. raven and octacia also came by a lot. they would bring clarke flowerd and cards from the school that people wrote her. and on the days that lexa stayed the night they did to so the lexa wouldnt feel alone they were all going through the same pain but somehow raven and O  knew that lexa was hurting more. about a month after she returned to school. lexa quit the cheer squad she could bearly focus in class so how could she be a leader so she gave her role to her siter and anya did really well. 

~ 10 months ~

it had now been 10 moths and everyone is starting to not show up at clarkes hospital room. lexa got really busy with school work but still came by. it was lexas 18th birthday and all lexa wished for is for Clarke to wake up.  she wished that every day. after her party she got a call it was Jackson " hey lexa" Lexa saved Jackson number because he told her to call him when ever she needs to talk to someone and they got really close. " hey jack what's up" Jackson smiled " well i wanted to wish you a happy birthday in so did someone els."  Lexa smiled because she hooked up Jackson with her old-time friend miller  " okay" lexa said " happy birthday baby" lexa knew who's voice that was and that the sound of Clarke's voice she broke down " OH MY GOD it can be" " it can tho" Lexa feel to the floor " Clarke" " the one and only" Clarke said as peppy ash she could be " your awake like really awake i am gonna go get the girl's and we will meet you at the hospital" Clarke smiled on the other end of the phone " okay oh and Lexa i never left you because i will always be with you no matter where you go" Lexa  smiled " i will be there sooner than you can say marry me" Clarke smiled " okay see you soon" Clarke said resting her head back down on her hospital bed and she just smiled and thought " i am happy to be back" 

THE END  or is it 

thank you guys for reading that was the end but please comment if you want a second book to this. i have some ideas. you are all amazing and i  loved writtign thsi for you guys there will be more clexa stories don't worry love you all KAI

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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