the beginning of freinship

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It's been  4 weeks since the party and  Clarke had made a lot of new friends. she and a lot of the cheer squad went out after the big football game on Sunday to go eat pizza and bowl. Clarke got to get to know the cheer squad and the football team. Octavia had a big crush on the quarterback Lincon Woods Lexas older Brother. Clarke got to also know Lexa's sister Anya. Anya was co-captain of the Cheer squad right with Lexa. Clarke was happy that she made new friends. and she was happy she got to know Lexa better. the brunette invited Clarke to hang out with her Friday after school. the blonde was hesitant to say yes because she was scared she would start to have feelings for the Cheerleader. and she couldn't fall for her not after what happened at her last school. 

~ flash back~ 

Clarke was well known at her old school but not in a good way. she was at Arkadia high for 7 years. and out of those 7 years, the only friends she had were Raven and O. but they went to a different school.  her worst enemy in middle school was ontari.   Clarke got bullied every day by the popular girls because she had a crush on the queen bee.  O and raven stood up for her and fought for her .when they saw the girls outside of school. middle school was hell for Clarke. she got beat so bad she once had to go to the hospital. but after the year she promised herself she would never again fall in love with a popular girl especially a cheerleader.

~ present time~

Octavia and raven were whining  " Clarke you have to go come on" Clarke sitting on her bed as she rolls her eyes at her friends " you know what happened with Ontari " both the girls remembered the days she would show up at there house with her face all bloody and her clothes ripped. they hatted seeing Clarke so hurt but at that time they didn't go to the same school after it got out of hand they all transfers to Polis to start fresh.  both the girls sat next to Clarke as she cried Octavia took Clarke's hands and looked at her best friend Octavia hatted seeing her hurt like this " hey look I know that you have been through some thought fucking  shit but look we transfer to polis to start fresh. you know that we will stand up for you and cut a bitch if someone hurts you but Lexa is nice. she isn't like ontari or the other girls she cares about you if she didn't she would have never helped you at the party she is a good person Clarke and you should let her in I am not saying date her but we want you to be happy that all we care about your like our sister."  Clarke looked at her friends and she knew they cared about her. " fine" Clarke rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone and pulled up lexas number to text her  saying 

" hey Lexa after all I do think I would like to hang out tomorrow if you're still up to it "

   " I dont even think she will respond  " Clarke there her phone on her bed and stood up after only 30 seconds they heard her phone go off Clarke  could not bring her self to read it "oh for crying out loud"  Raven being the noise girl she is  took the phone out of the blonde's hands and read it out loud 

" hey new girl if I am reading this right did you just say yes to hanging out with me tomorrow so I will pick you up at 7 O'clock were something you can move in cant wait to see you its a date Lex" the girls were jumping up and down Clarke shocked at what she just heard. 

~ Friday evening ~

the girls were finding something for Clarke to wear on her first date with the brunette Clarke was so nervous she went to the bathroom a few times because she had to throw up she had never been asked out let alone on a date.  Octavia found the perfect outfit and raven did the makeup because Clarke was going crazy she almost backed down at the last minute but Octavia took her phone knowing she was going to do that  " O come on give me my phone I can't do this I am not ready" " that's bull and you know it your just scared that she might not like you or treat you bad"  Clarke grunted and stormed off to go to the bathroom Lexa knocked on the door while Clarke was still upstairs finding the right shoes to wear Octavia opened the door and looked at Lexa both the girls looked at each other and then at Lexa and the both together said  " if you hurt her" the brunette reassured them that she would never hurt Clarke. and at that moment Clarke walked down the stairs and Lexa just stood there in awe 

" hey " Clarke smiled

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