Chapter 9

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        We were finally back at the institute and when we rode into the entrance I saw one of the robotic human things and I turned away and when I looked back it was gone. I was probably just hallucinating.

        "TESSA!!!" Said Charlotte, she had a look that was filled of relief and joy and happiness but also looked like she was afraid.

        "Charlotte!" I said and Will tried to help me down I took his hand and as look as my feet hit the ground I couldn't stand the weight on my legs and the next thing I knew I was laying on the cold brick ground and darkness started to close me in.


        I could hear voices and see the bodies to which they belonged. But I also saw my own body. At first all I could see was Will, James, Charlotte, Henry, Sophie and Jessamine all crowded around something and they were worried. I heard my name and I tried saying that I was over there but they could hear me and when I finally made it to what they were crowded around, it was my body.

        Am I dead?

        "She still has a pulse, we should get her upstairs." it was Charlotte.

        I guess that answers that question. I have to get back into my body I tried to walk through it but it wasn't working.

        They say that when people are in comas that they can hear things that is around their body but they just can't respond. And that the body can't wake up until their spirit rests.

        I can't seem to find rest. What does that even mean?

        I close my eyes concentrating but when I open them I am in my room. Everyone is gathered around my limp body.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   WILLS POV

        Charlotte said that we shouldn't worry and that Tessa just needed to rest. Everyone left her room but I just stayed beside her. I grabbed her hand and it was freezing. 

        "Tess, please come back to us. I understand that you just can't come back, and there really isn't much here for you, and after everything you have gone through, I can understand if you don't want to. But just know that I understand, I may miss you so much that I can't even think straight, but if it means you are...are happier then I will try to be happy as well."

        I meant what I said, even though I wish she would stay, I understand why she wouldn't want to. I love her. I have always loved her, and I always will. If she leaves I don't know if I will ever get over it. I wish I could tell her I love her, but I can't. I can't because the whole reason I left was because I got stung by a demon from the other world. It put a curse on me that says everyone who loves me will die. My eldest sister, Ella, came in and tried to kill but it was too late, he stung her and said that my curse is going to start with her.

        I had to leave my family, thats why I went to the institute. I try to be cruel so no one will love me, so far no one has died.



        Concentrate. Concentrate. I breathe in and exhale and touch my bodies hand, I feel myself finally fading into my body. I wake up and Will is still sitting next to me.

        I heard what he had said, I never thought that Will could love me, but what he has just showed me must mean love right?

        "Will." I say, my voice dry.

        "Tessa." He says and gives a small smile.

        "Did you hear anything?"

        "Yes. I came back, I came back for you."

        There was a short silence and I quickly added

        "And James and Charlotte and Henry, Sophie and Jessamine."

        "Well, I should go tell the others you are up." He said before walking out the door and telling the others.


        They all came into my room and I saw Will leave so I excused myself and followed him up to the roof.

        "Will." He was looking out at the city lights.


        "What you said, I ---" he cut me off.

        "It didn't mean anything, Okay?"

        "But Will, you said ---"

        "I don't care what I said, I did it for the others, what do you want me to say? That I love you? Because I don't."

        Those words pierced my heart like knives, I didn't realize that a tear had streamed down my cheek.

        "I understand." I said and it sounded almost as heartbroken as I felt.



        I saw a tear go down her cheek. I felt aweful that I was the one who did that, but I can't let her die. It hurt me to say those words, it felt like poison coming out of my mouth and it tasted sour. I love her, and I lied to her and said I didn't. But it was the right thing to do.

        Shes better off without me anyway...

        She just said "I understand." and her voice sounded shaky and upset, then she went back downstairs. I wanted so badly to run after her.


        :(((((( Hoped you enjoyed! Sorry havn't uploaded in a while but here ya go!


Tessa.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora