Chapter 1

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London, 1879


        Tessa, James, Will, Charlotte, Henry, and Jessamine were all seated at the table in the dinning room. The other servants had already brough out the dinner. It was a lightly seasoned chicken breast with potatoes, carrots and salad. 

        Tessa was seated in the middle between James and Will and Jessamine was sitting across from Will, and Charlotte and Henry were at both ends of the table.

        "CHARLOTTE, Will keeps touching me with his feet!" Yelled Jessamine.

        "Am not!" replied Will and quickly stuck his tongue out at Jessamine then stuck it back in before Charlotte saw. Tessa just rolled her eyes smiling a bit, James as well. 

        "Can you guys just please act your age for once?" Asked Charlotte, annoyed.

        "I am just sitting here minding my own business and then she just keeps staring at me across the table with a....a demonic look on her face! She is almost as bad as the ducks!" Said Will.

        "Will, really, again with the ducks?" Tessa said giggling.

        "Blood thirsty little beasts!" He yelled.

        Eventually everyone just ignored it and kept eating. Then after dinner they all just went to their room and went to sleep. 



        After I woke up and we all ate breakfast, Charlotte said that she is going to have one of her monthly meetings with the people that run the other institutes in the Library. Me, James and Will all waiting for a second after Charlotte went into her office real quick. Then we all ran to the secret room in the library before anyone saw us. 

        We always like to listen in to see what is happening. Because they would never tell us. Mostly every meeting it is the same thing, all of the guys telling Charlotte that a woman can't run an institute. I am sick of hearing that. They say that the only reason she was allowed was because she was married. 

        "Oh Lottie, just let someone who has more....initiative run it." said a man with black hair, it was begging to fill with gray as well. Then someone stood up.

        "Like me, Charlotte, i have more experience, and besides you are only 23, still just a little girl." said a man with brown hair, also filling with gray.

        "No. I have told you all a million times that i am running this institute, and in no way am i going to give it up. Obviously it is still up and running, i have been running it for years. My father ran it before me, and my kids will run it after me. So can we move on to a subject with more importance?" Then all took a deep breathe, knowing they had been deafted, and nodded. 

        "Good. Now lets discuss..." Charlottes voice fading as i move my ear away from the wall. 

        "I don't understand why they all have to be so rude to her. She runs the institute perfectly fine." I said, you could tell i was annoyed.

        "They do that all the time, Tessa. But she doesn't let them get to her, so why should you" Said James.

        "I am just upset that they don't give her credit, just because she is a woman. It is irritating!" 

        "Tess, calm down, she isn't going to be fired from running the institute okay?" said Will. He was the only one who ever called me Tess, he usually did it when he could tell i was upset.

        "Okay." I said and took a deep breathe and we went back to listening through the walls.

        When the meeting was over we waiting for everone to leave, and then we all slipped out of the library quietly. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That is all for this chapter! I know it was kind of boring, there will be more conflict and interesting things happening in future chapters! 


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