Chapter 2

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        After James, Will and I came out of the library I slipped away once they got into a heated conversation on ducks. Will thinks that ducks are 'blood thirsty little beasts' and James says that they are not, but no one will ever convince Will. 

        I stopped for a second, I saw someone staring at me through the window from a distace. I take a deep breath and walk slowly to the window. The man is wearing all black, his eyes black. I look away to see if anyone is watching me and when I look back, he is gone.

        I have been seeing a lot of weird things lately, It is probably just my imagination getting the best of me, so I just sjake it off and keep walking.

        I took another turn down the corridor and then heard a knock on the door then Charlotte appeared walking quickly to the door. She opened it to a man standing there. His eyes were dark, like black, he had short brown hair. He looked about 35ish. 

        "Hello, may I help you, sir?" said Charlotte confused.

        "I have a message from him." said the man.

        "Whose him?" asked Charlotte but he cut her off,

        "He has come for the girl. Bring him the girl and he shall leave the institute alone." Charlotte then pulled out a knife that was apparently under her dress stuck to her leg and then she stabbed him. 

           I screamed. Then Will, James, Henry, Sophie and Jessamine all came running in. 

        I started backing away, my heart pounding fast. "Tessa, please, you don't understand you have to come with me." she said, but I just shook my head and backed away with my hand cupped over my mouth. I looked over and I saw a knife on the table, I grabbed it and held it out at her, keeping distance from her. "Don't come near me!" I shout. "Stay there, Charlotte. Don't come any closer!" 

        "Tessa, You don't understand, please, just listen to me!" 

        "You stabbed him!" I scream and back away, I kept stepping backwards then I hit the wall with my back.

        "Charlotte, What happened?!" Asked Henry.

        "They have finally come." Is all she said. Henry didn't look at all confused and he nodded. 

        "Tessa, come with us, you have to, we are trying to protect you."

        I didn't understand what is happening the world just seems a daze now, I don't know how I got the steadiness to say "Protect me? From what! Charlotte stabbed him!" 

        "Tessa, we will explain it all on the way please follow us." said Charlotte, pleadingly.

        I nodded and then they lead me down the hallway. They opened a door that I had never seen before. It led to a sprialing staircase. We had finally gotten to our destination. 

        'Okay, tell me what is going on." I say, surprising myself with how steady my voice was.

        "They have finally come for you, Tessa." said Henry.

        "Who is 'they'?"

        "We arn't sure. Tessa, you posses a special power. They are trying to take you to use it." said Charlotte.

        "What? What power?"

        "You can see another world, a world no mortal has seen before, that is why you are no Mortal."

        "If i'm not a mortal, then what am I?" 

        'You are a shapeshifter." 

        I was shocked. I don't know what to say, I mean who would know what to say to someone telling you that you have a special power and that they have come to take you away? Is there even a word or sentence that can describe what I am feeling right now?

        "But why would they want me? What could they use me for?" 

        "That is what we have been trying to figure out. We knew this day would come." Said Charlotte pacing back and forth.

        "Charlotte. How did you know what I am and I didn't?"

        "Tessa, it is quite a long story, and I think you should sit down for it." I look down and nodded and then take a seat.

        "Your mother was my sister. I am your aunt." she took a breath. 

        "Your mother married your father and she didn't find out that he had....warlock blood. Then your mother found out that she was pregnant with you. They were happy, then one day he came in and found his brother, your uncle, there with your mother. Your father and your uncle have never been close, they hated each other even. Your uncle gave your mother a pink liquid, it was meant to affect you, and well he succeeded obviously, your father knew what he had done but by the time he walked in on him and your mother, it was too late. Your father was drunk on adrenaline, he killed your uncle."

        I look down, I havn't heard anyone talk about my parents in years. And now, to find out everything I have ever known is a lie. A tear escapes my eye and falls down my cheek.

        "You lied to me, how could you? You never told me!" I wanted to stop myself from yelling but I was furious, everything is a lie.

        "Tess, its okay, we arn't going to let anything happen to you." it was Wills voice, I had barely ackowledged him or James this whole time. They both probably think I am a freak but are just too nice to say it.

        "You don't know that. No one does. I don't understand why you are trying to protect me. I'm a freak. They just want to use me, not any of you so why not just let them have me?" You could tell in my voice that I was holding back tears.

        "Tessa, we love you, all of us. We will protect you from whatever evil this is, and you arn't a freak. You're special, We always knew you were different, you were not ordinary before this and you arn't even more. This changes nothing about how we feel about you." said James with an encouraging look, they always tried to cheer me up.

        I don't understand why they care about me so much.

        "Tessa. You have been like my sister, we don't always get along but I will always care. No matter how weird you are." Says Jessamine with her confident tone.

        I laugh a little. She had never had a filter on her mouth, it was one of the things everyone knew her for, and loved her for.

        I look up and at all of the faces staring at me. I nod to tell them that I will do whatever it takes to find this evil.

        "Tessa, I was waiting until you found out, here is a letter from your mother. I think it is time you read it." Charlotte said, holding out a folded, old piece of paper.

        I stood up off the couch and took the paper and began to read:

Dear my loved Tessa,

        I only wish I could see you now. If you are reading this is means that I am gone and you have found out. I want you to know that Charlotte will keep you safe and that your father and I love you. I miss you so much!  I know that you are strong, you are different, enbrace it. Nothing about you has ever been normal, you know that. I know that you see things that other people cannot see, you are special. You are strong enough to defeat the evil that is awaiting you. I love you.

Love, mom.

        A tear ran down my cheek. I miss my parents so much, I quickly wipe it away. I fold the piece of paper in my hands, I walked out of the room. I just need time alone right now.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THATS IT FOR CHAPTER 2!!!! Hope you liked it!!!


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