Chapter 4

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        As we all finished our breakfast and headed down our separate halls, Will, Tessa and I waited until later that night when everyone was asleep to find out our own information, as it became clear that we were getting no where waiting for Charlotte and Henry to find it. 

        Tessa was sitting by the window looks through some old books that Charlotte had given her, she had read them before but thought they were just fiction then. Turns out that they had information about the world she can see.

        Will was sitting on the coach facing Tessa reading another old book, and I was sitting in the chair that was next to the shelf of books.

        "There is absolutely nothing of use in this book!" said Will as he kept turning pages.

        Tessa showed a little smile and just shook her head.

        "Then look it a different book, odds are at least something will be of use to us in one of these." I said.

        After a few more minutes of skimming through books, Tessa said "Found something!" 

        Me and Will got up to go sit next to her as she showed us what she was reading in her book. It was a page that had a black and white picture of a man, and underneath it said 'Robert Gray'.

        "That is my father." said Tessa as she took a breath, I can't image how hard it was to see a picture of her father after all of these Years.

        "Look, it says 'Robert Gray was a warlock who defied the odds and reproduced with a mundane, or human.' It says that Warlocks are not suppose to be able to reproduce." she shook her head and began reading thing next part " 'A warlock who is able to reproduce is quite rare, infact it has only been done twice. The offspring of the first warlock had special abilitites that were rare to obtain, even more rare than a warlock having children. The children of the warlock have immortality, sadly the first child of the warlock that had ever had children was killed. It is very hard to kill them though, he burned in a fire so fire seems to be the only source to kill them. The name of these children are named Sparks.' "

        She took a breathe, taking it all in. Then she skipped to the next paragraph labeled 'Abilities of Sparks.' 

        "Sparks have the ability to move very fast, like a vampire. Also they can use nature to their advantage, (all of the elements, earth, air, fire, water). They are very powerful, but they have to learn how to control it." she looked down and took a breath.

        "There has to be a book that shows how I am suppose to be able to do this." she took a ribbon off of the desk and tied up her hair with it, like she always does when she is determined and trying to think.

        She took a breath, closed her eyes and held out her hand as if to say 'stop'. Then the dead flower that was in a vase on the window sill became full of life again and grew.

        She smiled, her real smile. I had only seen her smile 3 times in the 6 years that I have know her, but I can always tell when it is real. Most of the time it is fake. But her real smile is something that is easey to tell, it looks completely different from her fake smile, which looks real if you had never seen her actually smile. Her real smile is as bright as the winter snow that lay freshly fall from the sky, not yet stepped on. It is beautiful, she is beautiful. 

        I have always thought she was beautiful, because she was. When you just first see her you can tell she is pretty but her beautifulness is something that is more hidden, something you can only see once you know her. But from the moment I saw her I knew she was beautiful, it is something I have always thought.


        "Tessa, if you can bring back flowers from the dead can you bring back animals?" I asked.

        "Will, don't worry I am not going to bring back the ducks that are dead to form a duck army that will attack you. Well unless you don't tick me off I wont." she replied.

        ". . . Tessa, you are not that cruel..." 

        "You never know." 

        "That reminds me of when Tessa lured you out to that pond with all the ducks and you ran away like a little girl." said James. I just smiled a sarcastic smile back at him.

        Tessa just giggled and went back to looking through books. After a few more minutes I said "Okay, well this is getting boring can we go do something else now, we have been at this for hours."

        "Yea, I guess we should take a break, to clear our heads and look for new information tomorrow." said James.

        Then we all agreed and went back to our rooms and went to Tessa's room. We just hung out in there and talked for a little while longer until we went to sleep.



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