Sam rushed to him, pulling the Shadowhunter up, "Are you okay?" She asked frantically writhing about the blonde, before Jace quickly dismissed her, "I'll live."

"What the hell was that thing anyway?" Sam questioned with a frown, the demon wasn't like the one who attacked her in her house neither the ones that were in the pandemonium club.

"Shax demons. They're like the bloodhounds of the Shadow World." He answered her as Izzy turned to the couple, "They've been tracking us."

"What's the plan?" Sam inquired, looking at the two Shadowhunters, they've been through a similar situation and she thought they may have an idea about what to do next.

"The Institute's only a couple of blocks from here. Now, we can't lose them, but they won't be able to track us if we split up. Izzy and I will draw them away. No matter what happens, just keep running."

"What? You don't think I can take them." Sam questioned with raised eyebrows gripping her blade tightly. She was sure it was only the adrenaline talking but she also didn't like anyone doubting her.

"Of course I do, but if there's a lot of them, you won't be able to take them down on your own," Jace answered her, looking over his shoulder as one of the demons snarled at the group.

"They're coming," Izzy announced. Jace turned sharply to the blonde, "Run, Sam!"

Sam shook her head, running into the other hallway, looking over her shoulder as she rushed through the hallway. She stopped in her tracks when she reached a dead end, "You've got to be kidding me," She muttered, turning around to see the demons closing in on her. She reached into her bag, pulling the tarot card of the Cup out of it, she took a deep breath remembering how her mother reached into the card like her vision, she put her hand into it eyes widening as her fingers wrapped around the Cup pulling it completely out.

She turned to the demons in determination, "Get back!" She yelled at the demons that screeched at her before following her order getting back. Sam ran away from the hall she was in looking for Jace and Izzy, "Jace! Jace?" She called out to the blonde who appeared at the end of the hallway approaching her.

"Sam!" He called out once he reached her, "Are you hurt?" She asked as soon as she saw blood on Jace's face.

Jace dismissed her, "I'll be all right. You okay?" He asked making sure the blonde was safe.

"Yeah, I'm... I'm fine. I did it." She informed him with a proud smile creeping on her face.

"What happened?"

"One of the Shax demons cornered me. But I got the Cup. I don't know, my instincts just kicked in and I remembered what you said. Maybe you're right. Maybe I can kick ass after all."

Jace only nodded at her, "Sam, you're amazing. I always knew you could do it. Now give me the Cup and let's go."

Sam frowned tilting her head at Jace, she narrowed her eyes at him watching him skeptically, "Give you the Cup?"

"Yes. Only until we get back to the Institute. It's the only way I can keep you safe. I'll die before I let anything happen to you." He stated in a monotone voice that sounded nothing like Jace.

Sam could actually feel it in her gut that the man standing in front of her wasn't her Jace so she slowly reached into her pocket for her blade smiling sweetly at 'Jace', "Yeah, you're totally right." And instead of the Cup, the blonde stabbed 'Jace' with her blade, he grunted in pain doubling over, "Sam?" He inquired with a frown his face scrunched in pain.

For a second the blonde thought she stabbed the real Jace so she looked at him horrified, "Jace... No! Oh, my God! Jace!" She put her hand on his shoulder with panic flooding her face.

Shadows and Monsters [Jace Wayland] Where stories live. Discover now