Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time

Start from the beginning

“Can I help?” I called out, coming to kneel beside her on the pebbled banking.

She nodded, pushing the basket closer to me. “Thank you.”

Grabbing a tunic, I dunked it into the water, happy to have a little company even if she was quiet. She always kept one eye on the pups, her body turned towards them as she cleaned. I eyed the amount of clothes in the basket, then the pups. There wasn’t that much left. . .

“Go,” I told her. “I’ll finish the rest, you wear them out.”

She looked uncertain, chewing her bottom lip before grinning wide. I was shocked when she leaned in to press her cheek to mine but I nuzzled back. Her fingers brushed over my neck as she pulled back and bowed her head.

“Thank you!” Pushing herself to her feet, she darted off.

I grinned as I watched the rabble follow her, a few shifting to fur so they could catch up. Chuckling and settling cross legged to be comfier, I got to work. At least I could clean myself up a bit in the water too. Mud and streaks of blood covered my arms and a new bruise appeared by my wrist from where I’d blocked Signy's arm. Jakkon would come to watch me soon. I was sure he’d sent Orin because he’d begun to make an appearance, probably to report back what he saw; me getting my ass handed to me. I lasted a little longer today than I did the day before but my frustration was growing too. I still couldn’t connect with my fur.

That connection was important, it was what gave a wolf dominance and strength.

Crunching pebbles behind me and I pushed my concerns away, stilling at the sweet scent that wafted towards me on the breeze. I didn’t turn to face him, instead I scrubbed extra hard at the tunic in my hands.

If I don’t acknowledge him, he might go away. . .

How could I face him after what happened that day in the pools? Especially as he’d also made a point to avoid me completely. I’d only caught glimpses of him in the last week and not once had he so much as smiled at me. His last words to me echoed in my head: Your move, princess. Was that why he was avoiding me, because our next encounter had to be on my terms?

Ebbe sat next to me, resting his arms on his knees as he looked out at the river. The warmth of him beat against me and I resisted the urge to glance at him, instead getting back to work, happy to pretend he wasn’t even there. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see he’d once again forgone any top, leaving his chest bare. I chewed my cheek, using the pain to distract me.

Don’t look.  

“You offered to finish Gisli's chores, thank you.”

I paused again, daring to look over at him. Blue eyes lifted to meet mine before darting away again, brown hair curling around his jaw to shadow his features. Was that the scruffy beginning of a beard I could see? My eyes trailed over him, following the slight hunch that couldn’t be good for his shoulders. He was always pretending to be less than he was and I was still no closer to understanding why.

“She’s kept busy enough with all those pups, and I needed something to keep my hands busy,” I finally answered.

He smiled to himself, his gaze far off as he scratched his jaw. “You really have learned what it means to be pack.”

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