» 9

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The first thing that popped in Zayn's mind when he woke up at 8am was Liam.

Today, was the day. He was actually meeting him and he was nervous.

He will finally meeting the horny yet cute guy who had added the wrong guy on snapchat.

When he had received the first snapchat about the blow job, he had never thought that this would happen.

He got a friend out of this whole situation and a pretty great one too if he had to admit.

Zay slowly got up and got ready for his last year of high school as he heard his phone beeping, receiving a snapchat from Liam.

He caught himself smiling, shaking his head and tapped the snapchat app.

bigboypayne: ZAYN TODAY IS THE DAY

Zayn chuckled, replying back.

badboiizayn: I KNOW LIAM

Zayn placed his phone on the back pocket of his jeans after he had told that he has to go and was late for school.

So he quickly grabbed his bag and left.

This day is going to be very long.


"How long have you two even been talking?" Josh asked as the three boys sat down at their regular table at McDonald's.

Liam had just told Josh and Niall that he was finally meeting up with Zayn. All of them was up for the great idea but they were still believing it all had gone really fast.

Niall thought everything had happen between them just happened yesterday.

"We've been talking for like.. Three weeks, almost a month now" Liam replied.

"Do you even know what he looks like?" Josh asked.

Niall face palmed, shaking his head at Josh's words.

"Of course he knows what he looks like, Josh. They are snapchatting, not texting."

"Fine, but you don't have to send snaps of your face, you know.."

"And what do you mean by that?" Niall asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, nothing at all." Josh said, shaking his head and laughed lightly, almost a giggle.

Niall and Josh continued taking about snapchat and football, but instead of listening to his best mates talking and joining in the conversation. Liam decided to snapchat Zayn.

bigboypayne: zaynie

badboiizayn: Payno

bigboypayne: we r we going to meet today

badboiizayn: I don't know

bigboypayne: have you decided where we're going to eat?

badboiizayn: I'm deciding ?

bigboypayne: well duh

bigboypayne: your the one who lives there

badboiizayn: you're* damn, im gonna have to teach you how to spell and how to use grammar once you get here

badboiizayn: and yeah fine

bigboypayne: one of me mate Josh might come along with me

badboiizayn: so he's going to eat with us as well?

bigboypayne: idk mabeh

badboiizayn: what do you even like to eat,

bigboypayne: anything ((;

badboiizayn: don't start and fine then

badboiizayn: we will eat something that I want

badboiizayn: just cause you're very annoying right now

Liam chuckled and put his phone down, so he could eat.

"Talking to Zayn, huh? Again?" Ashton asked, smirking.

"Of course he's talking to Zayn! He doesn't talk to anyone else, his top best friend on snapchat is Zayn and I should be the first one. I'm pretty sure he's in love with him"

"Hey, I'm Liam's third best friend on snapchat and you're his second! That's not fair! And yeah I know right mate." Niall slapped the back of Josh's head and let out a laugh.

"He's pretty wimped for Zayn"

Liam blushed and mumbled. "Shut up you two"

But it was true, not the in love part hit the other part. The past month he's been almost talking to Zayn, but for some reason he felt really happy when he's talking to him.

He made him happy.


Zayn making Liam happy? Oh yes ! Are you guys liking this so far or not?:/

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