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Today was Sunday and frankly Zayn was quite nervous, Liam and Zayn decided to go spend time with each other next weekend. Even if it was in five days time, it was just Liam and he shouldn't be nervous to meet up with his own boyfriend but he was.

It was probably because he had given his the power to do whatever he wanted to do with him and it kind of scared him.

Sure, he trusted Liam more than anything in the world, but Liam was still a teenage boy and who knows what's going through his mind.

Sunday was today which meant that Zayn was meeting up with Niall in awhile, he was excited for some reason. He had always liked Niall, he liked him a lot.

As the clock stroke four, and even though he was blasting music since he was home alone (thank god) he heard the door bell ring.

He lowered the volume down and rushed down the stairs to open the door and of course he found Niall standing there with a huge grin. "Hey, Zaynie."

"Hey, nialler !" He beamed and brought him in for a huge. When they let go of each other, Zayn stepped aside and let him inside. "I'm almost ready, just got to finish my hair quick and then we can go. Where are we going?"

"I just thought we could go get something to eat, maybe see a movie or something. I don't really care." Niall smiled at him and followed Zayn as he ran upstairs into his room.

"That sounds perfect." Zayn chuckled and combed his hair, grabbing the hairspray.

Niall watched him the whole time, couldn't help but watch. His hair seemed so soft to ran his fingers through, Niall liked his hair.

"Ready to go?" Zayn asked after a finishing up his hair and placed his hands down while looking at Niall who nodded quickly with a smile.


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