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bigboypayne: hiii baby boy :)

badboiizayn: hi :)

bigboypayne: what r u doing baby

badboiizayn: skyping Ni, you?

bigboypayne: Ni as in Niall Horan?

badboiizayn: duh

bigboypayne: why are u talking to him?

badboiizayn: because he's my friend?

bigboypayne: u 2 have been talking a lot lately..

badboiizayn: yeah? Cause he's my friend

bigboypayne: are u sure he just wants 2 be friends?

badboiizayn: um yeah? Are you jealous or something ?

bigboypayne: no I just don't like u talking to Niall so much

bigboypayne: I believe he has other intentions than just being friends

bigboypayne: I don't like that

bigboypayne: and you're mine.

badboiizayn: Liam, he's your best friend

badboiizayn: he knows that I'm yours

badboiizayn: and plus he only sees me as a friend

badboiizayn: and I love you Liam, not him.

bigboypayne: you love me?


Why didn't Liam say I love you back :(
Sigh, the book is ending soon );

Liam or Niall?

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