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bigboypayne: when r u free?

bigboypayne: hopefully u r dis week

bigboypayne: I have everything planned ;)

badboiizayn: I'm never free

badboiizayn: I'm pretty expensive

bigboypayne: explains why you're so beautiful

badboiizayn: exactly, but I am maybe. Just pick a date

bigboypayne: on Friday ??

badboiizayn: sounds great :)

bigboypayne: awesome can't wait baby

bigboypayne: we r going 2 have so much fun ;)

badboiizayn: I'm all yours.


niallhoran: hi zaynie

badboiizayn: hi Ni :)

niallhoran: I have a question

badboiizayn: ask away

niallhoran: would you like to hang out with me?

niallhoran: maybe on Sunday or so? :)

badboiizayn: uhh sure, I don't have anything better to do anyway

niallhoran: okay great !!

niallhoran: I'll pick u up at like 4 and we decide what to do then yeah?

badboiizayn: sounds great, see ya then :)

niallhoran: yes :))


Oh shit, no Niall please. This is just a fillet but it had some clues to the next chapter okay ?;)

Comment #ohnoNiall if you think Niall has feelings for Zayn !;)

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