Morning sleepyhead~

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(Well! Hello, goodmorning, good afternoon, good evening! Whatever time you are seeing this! It has been a while hasn't it? Well I'm back! I saw that some people were dying for another part, so fuck it! Here we are! Sorry for being gone for so long, but bitch I'm back! Hopefully, I will be updating this more often! However that can't be a promise cos I know full well I ain't good at keeping track! But my pregame Shuichi kinnie felt like writing a bit about this lovelife and bam, here we are. Also, I appreciate that you guys like the whole 'non toxic oumasai' for once. It's refreshing I believe! But anyway- thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy!)

Shuichi POV:

I had just been sat there, still, for what seemed like hours. I felt so tired, yet I still felt wide awake at the same time. Who knew attempted murder could be so draining. I had tried multiple times to untie the ropes and escape, but to no avail. The most I had done was shuffle my way to a sitting position where I was at least somewhat comfortable.

I was just staring at my door aimlessly, praying that it would just magically open and the ropes would just fall right off. But of course, that didn't happen. I just stared, none blinking, like my soul had left my body to a different place where I was happier with the love of my life.

Without realising, I had began to fall asleep, leaning against my bed that felt so cold now against my head.




What the-


I woke up with a jolt to see Kokichi stood over me, pouting like an annoyed child.

"You really took your time huh?!" He put his hand on his hip and rolled his eyes.

I looked at him confused, "huh- how did you-"

"How did I get in here? Well.." he put his hand in his pocket and dangled my room key Infront of my face, "just a bit of classic deception~" he smirked and shoved it back in his pocket.

I was shocked, he- he actually came to help me.. I tried to stand up but only then realised I was still tied up, "uh- little help-?"

"Oh shit- they really didn't want you to get out-" he bent down to my height and smirked again "but maybe I like seeing you restrained~" he then laughed and put his hands behind his head, "but that could be a lie."

I blushed slightly and looked away, "just- please help me-"

"Fine fine-" he kneeled down beside me, "only for my Shumai~" he first tried untying my ankles, although it took a while because of how tight Gonta had tied them. "Jesus-maybe I was right about the Byakuya thing-"


"Nishishi! Nevermind-" he eventually untied my feet and then began working on my wrists, still struggling but soon getting them off. "Jeez! That was a work ou-"

I cut him off by quickly hugging him as tight as I could without hurting him.

"T-thank you.. I'm so glad you're still alive.."


I started shaking without thinking.

"I don't want to lose you, please don't leave me again.."

Kokichi POV:

What- what is this feeling-?

I don't really understand..

I- I don't like showing emotion..


Why do I feel.. comfortable?

I hesitantly hugged him back, tighter than I probably should've. I buried my face into his shoulder and stayed silent.

"I miss you Kokichi.."

I lifted my head and pulled away from the hug, "what do you-" Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes as he looked down at the floor. My eyes widened, "hey-! Why are you crying Shumai-?!"

He looked up at me and smiled slightly, "I miss you.. the real you.." What? What does he mean by that? Did I do something? I haven't changed at all.. have I?

"You've forgotten all about us.. haven't you?"

"Us..? What do you mean 'us'?"

He grabbed my hand and held it gently in his.

"Us, before this whole thing ever happened.. before-" he seemed to cut himself off, like he wasn't allowed to speak any more.

"Before what Shuichi? Tell me!"

He shook his head and stood up, "I can't.. I need to fix this alone.." he looked into my eyes and smiled slightly, wiping his tears. "Thank you for helping me Kokichi.."

I stood up and grabbed his arm, "where the hell do you think you're going-?!" He looked away, still smiling.

"I promise, I will get us out of here.." he looked back at me, "if it's the last thing I do"

I froze, still looking into his eyes, "s-shuichi- what- what are you planning to do?!" I held his arm tighter so he couldn't leave yet, "please! Just tell me-!"

His expression changed from one of saddened joy, to a serious one. He lifted my chin with his free hand, "I'm going to get us out of here, whether I have to murder or not."

I looked at him in disbelief. Shuichi would never do this. What happened to the shy detective I grew so fond of? What happened to the Shuichi I fell for-?

Fell for?

Well, I guess I finally realised it..

I fell for the ultimate detective, Shuichi Saihara.

I don't like showing emotion, it makes me feel weak, alone, depressed. It's easier to just put on a charade and pretend I have everything under control. Then they can't take me for granted. Then they can't control me. I'm the ultimate supreme leader of evil! No one can take advantage of that! No one can know how I truely think or feel or act! No one!! I won't let them!!

But Shuichi.

I've shown him everything about me, and he hasn't changed. He's had his personality changed, but he still doesn't hate me like all the others. It's like he understands what I'm going through. Like he's stuck in my head and keeps making me feel better, even in this fucked up situation. He's special to me. And that's a lot coming from me.

I let go of his arm and walked towards the door, quickly looking back at him. "You coming, or not?"

He looked at me confused but then followed, trailing behind me as we scurried to my room without the others knowing. They were likely still in the dining hall. Stupid of them to trust me.

I opened my room door and shoved Shuichi inside before closing the door behind me. He still seemed confused, but all I did was smile and walk to my closet.

"Kokichi- what are we doing here-?"

I smirked at him, "we're gonna have a make out session, obviously~!" He immediately turned red and looked away.

"W-what are we actually doing?"

"Oh my dear Shumai~" I stood up from my closet and walked towards him, "I want out of here as much as you do, you know?" I stood close to him, getting on my tip toes to be closer to his face. "I've always had a fascination towards you, I thought I knew you. But now you're considering murder!"

He seemed to get more nervous, so I began backing away while snickering.

"I know you could never do it on your own, hell! You failed the first time you tried! So that's why..!" I pulled a box of weapons and supplies out of my closet, the base scrapping across the floor as it slid. Shuichi looked at it shocked and then at me.

"I'm gonna help you~"

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