The Motive

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Shuichi POV:

Kaede was gone. Taken from us within seconds. To watch her struggle against the rope around her neck. Watch her gasp for breath. Only for her to be crushed under a bed of spikes. I couldn't believe it. It had to have been a nightmare. A dream I could escape from if I just woke up.

But that wasn't the reality.

She was dead.

And I couldn't save her.

I didn't come out of my room for days. I didn't want to see anyone. I ignored the voice of the bear that killed her. I ignored my classmates calls through the door. I just sat there. I didn't have a reason to go out there. Just to be reminded that she wasn't there anymore. She was so kind. I cared about her. But she was gone. Dead.

After about four days of not leaving my room, Kaito came to my door. I didn't want to talk. But I was starving and dehydrated. So I answered the door.

Kaito burst in, forcing me to stumble back. "Are you ok, sidekick?". Kaito said in a worried voice. "You look terrible."

"Wow, thanks. But I'm fine." I lied.

"You don't look it. Have you eaten anything since the trial?" He questioned. I looked at the floor and shook my head. "You need to eat something, sidekick!" He said this whilst grabbing my hand and dragging me out of my room, slamming the door for me.

"Kaito please!" I exclaimed trying to get him to let go.

"Shuichi. I'm worried about you. Please just eat something and I'll leave you alone." He begged, turning to me and gripping my shoulders.

'Please keep going. For me Shuichi'

I looked at him in the eyes, remembering what Kaede had said.
"Fine." I muttered. He smiled a sweet smile and we continued walking to the dining hall. I didn't even realise I didn't have my hat until we entered the room and everyone stared at me.

"Pooichi! Where's your fuckin emo hat? You finally muster up the courage to check the clicks out without being secretive?" Miu blurted out with a laugh.

"Shut up you filthy cum dumpster! Who would want to check you out?!" Kokichi replied with a smirk.


I sighed and looked at the floor. "I left it in my room."

"Well I think you look nice without it." Kirumi said with a smile.

"Yeah! You don't look to bad for a degenerate male!" Tenko piped in.

"T-t-thank you guys." I mumbled, sitting down with Kaito and Maki. Kirumi placed a plate of pancakes infront of me and a glass of orange juice and I quickly dug in. I was so hungry and it was so good. Everything was going well until-

"Heya kiddos!" The monitor emitted that familiar maniacal voice through the speakers. I sat there with a shocked look on my face. 'It can't happen again' I thought. 'No one else deserves to die'.

"Please make your way to the gym! I have a special surprise for you all! Or at least, for one of you." He laughed and the monitor flickered off.

"It's really still happening." Himiko muttered.

"Don't worry everyone! Atua will protect us all!" Angie said cheerfully.

"Yes! And Gonta will protect everyone as well! Like gentleman!"

We all finally arrived at the gym where monokuma was waiting on his podium, surrounded by the monokubs, minus monokid.

"We all here? Good!" Monokuma exclaimed.

Don't you remember us? - Pregame Shuichi X Ingame KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now