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3.. 2.. 1.. BLAST OFF! Jacob said. Oh do shut up Jacob. I said. I forgot to mention that as well as being rude, Jacob is also very childish. Like that one time Alexander bought everybody snacks for the trip Jacob whined and whined because he couldn't find any chips. (Later he found out Lennox, Jack and Gangster had hid them to mess with him.) Or the time when Lennox was steering the ship (i forgot to mention Lennox as well as being the detective of our group he's also the captain of the ship) Jacob whined about not being able to steer so much that instead of landing on Mira HQ we crashed into it. So, no supplies. (That trip was also cancelled and we had to go back because, well, supplies are important and we cant make it to Polus without them). Also speaking of Polus there was also the time where we had discovered Polus. And oh boy was that a good story. So we had just landed on a foreign planet. And we were building a base on it when jack put a slime bomb in gangster's bag of materials. Now, this was the kind of slime bomb that exploded when touched. So when Gangster touched it, it exploded. Gangster started yelling really, really loudly. Are there monsters that take over our brains here? I don't want my brains to be taken! Jacob said worriedly. Now keep in mind that this slime bomb made a BIG explosion. So a lot of it landed on Maria, Lennox and Alexander too. Jacob looked at Maria and said: oh my god! The slime monster has taken Maria too! Then he looked at Alexander. Oh my god not you too Alex! He said. Then, finally, he looked at Lennox. Oh no, Lennox! Now how will i get back to Earth! Jacob cried. Now, Alexander, Gangster, Maria and Lennox were smart. They knew that the only person who would do this is Jack. So instead of telling Jacob: its Jack's fault! They pretended to be zombies and infect all of us. I played along too! It was really funny seeing the usually mean Jacob, scared like a baby. The fun ended when Jacob pulled out a knife. Then we stopped roleplaying. Jacob jeez, zombies don't exist. Jack said. I was just pranking Gangster. To this news Jacob said: I-I knew that! I was j-just joking! Yeah j-joking! We all laughed. Knowing full well he wasn't joking. No back to the story. After i told Jacob to shut up he, obviously got mad. YOU KNOW WHAT MARIUS? He said. I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOU! He got out of his seat to punch me, probably. I was frozen in fear. Was he really going to punch me because of an annoyance? I know he punches hard and heres another story why. So this happened after the slime bomb incident and we had all seen how Jacob reacted after things. So we were still building our base on Polus when Gangster had the idea to team up with Jack to do another prank on Jacob. For this prank they enlisted Leon, Louie and Maria's help. Gangster wanted to do another slime bomb prank. And Jack was obviously happy to help with any prank. (Also you cant prank Jack because he's a master of detection). So the plan was: Leon and Louie would run up to Jacob and ask if he wanted to play with Ice-Cream. (Jacob loves pets and wishes he had one). And they would "accidentally" lose the bag of candy while going to the bathroom. So inside the bag of candy there would be a slime bomb. Now, they would have to do this when Jacob was hungry. And this is where Maria comes in. You see, Maria is in charge of food on the ship. Do she would purposefully skip giving all of us food. (Me, Lennox, Alexander and Lucas were watching with a ginormous bag of chips). So now the prank was in play. Jacob was sitting down next to a table and saying "i'm so hungry!" To no one in particular. (Just hoping Maria hears him, which she did). So this was perfect. Leon and Louie ran up to Jacob and said: Wanna play with Ice-Cream? Jacob nodded rapidly. He loved any pet. Leon and Louie (after half an hour) said: we are going to the bathroom Jacob. Take care of Ice-Cream! Then they dropped Leon's bag of candy. It was perfect! Jacob sneaked up on the bag of candy and quickly snatched up a candy bar! Or, well, he thought it was a candy bar. It was actually a slime bomb. It exploded all over his face. Me, Lennox, Alexander, Gangster, Jack, Maria, Lucas, Leon and Louie exploded into laughter! His face when that happened was so funny! I still laugh when i think back at it. But Jacob was not laughing. He was MAD. WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS?! He yelled. Through fits of laughter Gangster said: M-Mine! And burst into laughter again. Jacob ran up to gangster and punched him in the arm. Long story short: he broke an arm and ended up in the hospital for 3 weeks. Now back to the story. Jacob was running up to me with his fist ready. (Like he did with Gangster). Well, he floated away. The ship had taken off and gravity was weird. So instead of breaking an arm, i ended up flying in the air of laughter (for gravity reasons). Jacob huffed and stormed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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