The Pain(Every Breath You Take)

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I hope this can be insight for others. The song I want to pair with this poem is Every Breath You Take Glee style . This some how fit . Enjoy

You break me ,

I stand tall,

You push me away,

I keep trying,

I am there for you ,

You don't want me ,

You fall ,

I catch you,

You cry

I make sure nobody sees your pain ,

You are reckless,

I worry ,

You hate that i worry,

I care,

You think your alone ,

I am here for you no matter what you think ,

I will be your rock ,

I will be the one to catch you when you fall

Your my family

I am the one to depend on no matter how much you want to push

I will always stay no matter if you hurt me

I will carry your pain to see you happy

Thanks for reading . I thought this might be inspirational .

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