Set yourself Free (locked out of Heaven)

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There is another poem . i was listen to locked out of heaven mash up cover whilst writing this .I hope you enjoy this one. 



Have a little faith,

be strong,

you can survive this agony,

this test is small there are many more to come,

get up dance and sing ,

dont waste a second ,

live life to the fullest,

let the beat flow into you and make that your momentum,

Be happy and share that aura,

let yourself stand out,

be yourself   ,

self expression is a must,

dont let society deem what is socially accepted,

dont let the negative in ,push it out,

your craziness makes it you  unique,

so what are you going to do,


or be free?

you decide.


okay guys another poem. so I am curious what is the most craziness thing you have done and people give you a werid look and you are like, pfft they are boring  or they are missing out or meh i dont care i am having a good time.

So my story is this

We were talking about wild meat and one the girls said something that sounded like placenta and we just laughed out. Tehn we talking about placenta juice and how the watermelon juice looked like it. I thin the girl drinking it  can see watermelon juice the same again

If your werid and afraid to show it vote

if you are crazy but you dont care what people think comment 

and fan because of you expressing your craziness and weridness

of course there is  the video on the side. So enjoy listen to this because i did. go crazy jump around. be in your underwear get ya freak on . put on socks and slide around the room sing, and be carefree

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