Chances ( I dreamed a dream - Les Miserables)

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So I used to write poems. i found the book today so im choosing my best and putting it up . Hope you enjoy this one.

Take a chance and make sure it is worth it,

You never know the chance you take can either be good or bad,

But it is also good to take a leap  of faith and listen to your conscience and heart

They make collide at times,

Stay head strong in your beliefs.

You can get far in life

Just trust yourself and listen to yourself.

Hope you enjoyed that please 




of course in any order you like

Todays song selection is from Les Miserables. I still havent watched the movie but i love the play . It was the first broadway show i ever saw when i was younger . I didnt understand the plot back then but i was entralled by it . 


Poems That Have A Purpose!!!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz