Writer's Block( Bob Marley - Three Little Birds)

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This is when i was a difficult time of figuring out of what  to say. It then dawn to me why not write about writer's block as i was having it . Amazing enough that help me get over the writer's block I was having. Hope you can relate to it .  I dedicate this to My grandfather as well who passed away Tueday 7:30pm . He had a stroke on the Monday night and things got worse after that. He has lived a good life 93 years . Im sure hes having a bawl with my Mum up in heaven and happier than he has ever been . 

Running out of  things to say , 

No inspirations comes out , 

Writer's block is a curse, 

No thoughts 

No ideas

No creativity 

Just a blank mind ,

When  words cant be written i feel all is lost,

It is a black abyss of no hope and no light ,

Writing is everything to a Writer,

Screaming in frustration doesnt help to get what you want to write,

No words,

No passion,

No writing

Just a blank mind,

Writer's block is a curse

I hope you enjoyed this . I'll have another poem up once my laptop finishes updating . I want you thoughts and opinions . 





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