Chapter 10

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Nathalie grumbled as she stormed out of another office. Usually, managers reject people who wanted the job. This was not the case for Nathalie. Every manager or designer she had met was stuck-up and disrespectful. Nathalie could tell they only wanted her because she used to work for the legendary Gabriel Agreste for 17 years. They probably assumed she was still close friends to Gabriel, hoping to link their business to the Agreste brand. Once Nathalie had told them she had broken ties with Gabriel, she could see the hopefulness leave their eyes. That was when she left, not wanting to deal with a hungry business pig.

Nathalie walked down the street, already contacting a taxi on her phone. She held the phone to her ear as it rang. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a "HIRING" sign on a blue, tinted window. Nathalie hung up her phone and placed it in her pocket. She looked up the building. It was an aquarium. Nathalie shrugged to herself, maybe these people won't be as power-hungry as others. Nathalie just needed a paying job anyways. It didn't necessarily have to be her being a secretary. Nathalie tucked her folder under her arm and opened the door. She walked into the aquarium and walked to the receptionist's desk. Behind the desk sat a blond-haired boy in his mid-20s. His hair shagged down to his stubble-covered chin. His name tag read the words "Chase". He was chewing gum as what seemed to be as loud as he possibly could.

"What can I do for you?" he asked, lazily, biting the gum between his teeth.

"I would like to apply for a position here," Nathalie said, cringing, as he rolled the gum around his mouth.

"Oh, sure. Dia's taking those people in Room 2," he pointed over the desk and towards the hallway on his right, "walk down that hall. It's the second door to the right."

"Thank you," Nathalie brought her folders in front of her, clutching them to her body. She walked down the hall and knocked on the second door. A feminine voice called for her to come in from inside the room. Nathalie turned the door knob and walked in.

The woman in front of her was sporting a pair of jean shorts and a pink tank top. Her brown hair was in a bun. It was tousled and messy on top of her head, the opposite to Nathalie's hair, which was sleeked back. Her copper skin was shiny as if she had dumped herself in oil.

"Hello, please sit down," the woman, Dia, said in a tired voice. As Nathalie sat down, she noticed the dark circles under the woman's eyes. They looked identical to hers when she used the peacock miraculous. A familiar tingle filled her body as the peacock miraculous' memory overtook her. Dia's voice broke through her thoughts.

"You can call me Lydia, or anything you'd like. Chase calls my a different name each day," Lydia laughed, her voice cracking like she could barely hold onto reality.

"I'm Nathalie Sancoeur," Nathalie said.

"I also apologize for being so shiny. I have a rough day of working with the dolphins and sharks up ahead. Can I get you anything?"

Nathalie smiled. Not one person she had consulted had offered her anything, "a water is fine, thank you."

Lydia smiled warmly. She grabbed a paper cup and filled it using the water tank next to her. She slid it over to Nathalie, who grabbed it warmly. As their fingers touched, Nathalie felt a shock of electric energy pass through her. If Lydia had felt the same way, she didn't say so.

"What job are you interested in?" Lydia asked.

"I'll take anything, really. I've been searching for about a week now. Everyone else just rubbed me the wrong way. If you have any managing job, I'd be happy to take it. I used to be a secretary for Gabriel Agreste and believe management is where I would benefit best."

Lydia scrunched her forehead, "Gabriel Agreste? My sister works for him."

Nathalie's eyebrows shot up, "Lila Rossi is your sister?"

Lydia's face turned into a look of shock, "please don't tell me she replaced you and I've just made everything awkward. Especially when you're the only person who's come in here looking for a job."

Nathalie shrugged, "it's alright. It's not like I wanted to work there. Do you have any areas that I might work good in?"

Lydia thought for a minute, "yes, actually. We've been getting new fish these past few weeks and we need to categorize and write reports on them. Although, this job also clashes with becoming a guide."

"I would actually like that very much."

Lydia grinned, "great! What experience have you had in this field?"

Nathalie grimaced, this is where she would be rejected, "none, actually."

Lydia's eyes widened, but she showed no other change in expression, "that's totally fine. Chase and Brenda would be happy to teach you. You really just need to know how to handle different situations and the internet can help with the reports."

For the first time in weeks, Nathalie felt a sense of joy, "does this mean I'm hired?"

Lydia laughed, "yes, yes it does. Glad to have you here, Nathalie. Hope you enjoy it. I can introduce you to Brenda now."

"I'd like that."

Lydia pulled out a walkie talkie from one of her desk drawers. She put it up to her mouth, "hey, Ren, we've finally got a new guide. I'll need you to help her out."

A response came in following the static, "alright, Lyd, I'll be there in a few seconds."

A minute later, the door opened and a blonde woman walked in. Nathalie stood up and shook her hand, "Nathalie Sancoeur, pleasure to meet you."

Brenda smiled, "nice to meet you too! Do you have any experience in the guide department?"

Nathalie smiled sheepishly, "I actually have never worked with fish except for my one day with a goldfish. It died in that one day."

Brenda sucked in a breath, "a newbie, huh? That's okay. Everyone's one at a time. You'll get the hang of it soon. I can tell you will."

Lydia got up from behind her desk and walked out from behind it. She held the door open and Brenda walked out. Nathalie followed her, but didn't fail to notice something.

"Nice anklet you've got there."

Brenda looked down at Lydia's feet, "that is really cool, babe. Where'd you get it?"

Lydia rubbed her arm. A tick most people have when they lie. Although this was never the case with Lydia Rossi's sister.

"I got it at the store down the street," Lydia mumbled. Brenda shrugged and walked on with Nathalie following her.

Lydia couldn't fool Nathalie, though. That was a miraculous. Nathalie was sure about it.

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