Chapter 12

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Lydia watched Fynn circle around her room while Brenda was asleep. Fynn was touching everything from her picture frames to Brenda's fake eyelashes. Luckily, everything in the house was child proofed, so Fynn couldn't break anything. The entire time, Fynn was squealing the words "What is this?" each time he found something new. Luckily, Brenda was a deep sleeper. When they had arrived home, Fynn had started talking to the fish as soon as he laid eyes on them. Lydia rose and went to check on the twins, who were sleeping peacefully. Her eyes filled with sadness, knowing she'll never get back to them before they were asleep. She wasn't able to see them in the mornings either as she left at 6 AM. A tear swept down her cheek, leaving a trail for more tears to follow.

Lydia didn't hear Fynn as the kwami swept up into the room. He floated up to the twins, silent. He went up to them and touched Olivia's forehead. Fynn brought his snout close to her forehead and kissed it then proceeded to do the same to Evan. Before Lydia could protest, the twins' foreheads had a blue glow on them, originating from the imprint of the kiss. The glow slowly grew until it took over most of their foreheads. Lydia rushed over to the twins, kneeling beside their bed. She snapped her head towards Fynn, her face full of anger, shock, and fear.

"What did you do to them?" she hissed.

Fynn shushed her as he lifted the twins' blanket up to their chins. Then, he flew out of the room, giggling. Lydia, still terrified, rushed up behind him.

"What did you do to them?" she asked, her voice ringing with panic.

Fynn did a spin, "I kissed them."

"I know that, but why are they glowing?" Lydia whisper-screeched at the creature before her.

"Don't worry, Linda," Fynn started.

"Lydia," Lydia corrected, for the sixth time.

"I ensured them the sweetest, fish-filled dreams. They were having nightmares before." Fynn flipped in the air, whooping in pleasure, completely ignoring Lydia's correction.

"You-you can see people's dreams?"

"Of course, silly," Fynn flew up to the ceiling, toying with the fire alarm, "your girlfriend back there was dreaming about you."

Lydia ignored the blush rising to her cheeks, "alright, so on top of giving me powers, you can use powers as well?"

Fynn nodded, "that's right."

"So," Lydia looked at the poster of the twins' favorite movie, Ladybug & Cat Noir, "you said I could transform into a special suit. Is it like Ladybug and Cat Noir's?"

"Why would you want to turn into a ladybug and black cat? Hideous creatures. Did you know ladybugs can't swim and that cats are afraid of water? I mean, who's scared of water? It's obviously the better element."

"Ladybug and Cat Noir are the heroes of Paris," Lydia pulled out her phone, quickly finding a news report, "here, look at this. This news report is from Ladybug and Chat Noir took down the supervillain Oblivio."

Fynn watched the news report, fascinated. He looked at Lydia, and back down to the phone.

"How do these vile creatures get their powers?" Fynn asked.

Lydia pulled up the Ladyblog, "according to this, through jewels called the miraculous."

For the first time, Fynn seemed to be at a loss of words, "so there are more miraculous? I always assumed I was the only one. Are there more kwamis as well?"

Lydia shrugged, "I wouldn't know. That information isn't here. Although, I do remember a woman on television talking about these invisible creatures that only she could see."

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