Chapter 18

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Lydia watched the news closely. Shadow Chaser and Dark Soul. These were the scariest villains Lydia had ever laid eyes on. While Shadow Chaser looked like a girl who had been killed at prom, Dark Soul illuminated with a dark red glow. His skin was pure red while in a red tuxedo. This pair seemed like they were akumatized during Scarlet Moth's time. Scarlet Moth must've returned. The strange part here was that the two weren't attacking anybody. Shadow Chaser was softly floating in one direction while Dark Soul followed her. No one knew what their powers were, making the two much more dangerous. Lydia looked around at the aquarium employees. Nathalie was right next to her as well, her eyes fixated onto the television screen in front of them.

"Alright, everyone," Lydia said, "looks like it's best if we all head home. The villains are heading our way, we don't know what their powers are, so I'm allowing everyone to get home to their family. Stay inside."

Everyone rushed through the doors of the aquarium, Nathalie being the first one out. Lydia closed the door behind them. Thankfully, Brenda had decided not to go to work today as the kids' babysitter couldn't make it to their house.  Fynn popped out of Lydia's bun. He was using her hair as a nest to hide in when they were around others.

"You need to go save them alone, Lydia." Fynn said, his voice shaking. Lydia had never seen the kwami this frightened.

"What? Why? You know I can't do that. We need Ladybug and Cat Noir."

"They won't be able to help you."

"I can see that, but why?"

Fynn flapped his tail back and forth, "those dark souls are Ladybug and Cat Noir."

"What? How is that possible?"

"I can sense their dread and fear, Lydia. It's the same feeling I got whenever the felt dread and fear during their battles with you. That is definitely them."

They were heading in one direction, not attacking anybody.

"Fynn!" Lydia exclaimed, "they're going to give their miraculouses to Hawk Moth!"

"You can't let them do that, Lydia."

Lydia took a deep breathe, "I know. The question is how can I stop the greatest heroes in Paris?"

"Your miraculous is more powerful than their abilities. They've both been akumatized in their civilian form. They won't be able to use their miraculouses. You have a chance."

"Do they know that the other is their superhero partner?"

"I doubt it. They are both following the command they hear in their head. This doesn't eliminate the chances of them knowing, though."

"We can't let them reach Scarlet Moth. Fynn, let's swim!"

The familiar tingling feeling washed over her as Lydia turned into Dolphin. She didn't have to travel far. The two villains were approaching the aquarium. Dolphin stuck her trident in the direction of the aquarium, thinking of its backup water supply. Water rushed through the aquarium's doors. The two villains moved closer to her. Dolphin grunted as she swiftly pointed her trident to the floor and moved it back and forth. The water sliced in front of her, turning into ice layer by layer. Dolphin hopped onto the water as she smoothed it into ice. It soon became ten feet tall, preventing the villains to go any further.

"I can't let you go through," Dolphin declared, "you need to stop."

Shadow Chaser cackled, "show her what you can do, Dark Soul."

Dark Soul raised his hand at the ice wall. A darker glow emerged from his hand. The ball of darkness was shot towards the wall. When it made contact, the ice melted, causing Dolphin to stumble.

"Alright," Dolphin grunted, "fine. We'll do this the hard way."

Dolphin pushed the water at Shadow Chaser and Dark Soul. It pushed them sideways, against a building. They both grunted before the water turned into ice, freezing them there. Dolphin pointed her trident at the aquarium once more, causing more water to follow her arm. She smashed it onto the couple again, covering their entire body in a block of ice.

"Listen to me," Dolphin grunted as she kept on throwing water at them. Dark Soul's hand was heated, melting the ice as she added more, replacing bits that were melted. "You both love each other. I saw it every time you two worked together." Dolphin layered another layer of ice. "Ever wondered why you're both going to Scarlet Moth? You are both Ladybug and Cat Noir. Please. Think of the love you have for each other. I know you still feel it."

Dark Soul's hand stopped glowing. "L–ladybug?"

"NO!" Shadow Chaser screeched, "my kitty can NOT be Adrien! Cat Noir is sweet and wholesome. Adrien is a stupid brat!"

"HOW DARE YOU?" Dark Soul shouted, "I would've laid down my life for you!" As soon as he finished his sentence, the ice broke. It pushed Dolphin back, causing her to slam against the aquarium door, causing it to break.

"No," Dolphin said weakly, "please, you love and trust each other."

Her words were left unheard as Shadow Chaser took control of Dark Soul's body and threw him in the air. While in the air, Dark Soul shot a ball of darkness at Shadow Chaser, causing her to fall back. Dolphin looked at the trident that had fallen out of her grasp. She grabbed it and used it to prop herself up. She spun her hand around, causing the water on the floor to spiral into a tornado. The water thinned out into two ropes connected and wrapped around the two villains. The water rope shortened, bringing them together.

"NO!" Shadow Chaser screeched once more, "GET ME AWAY FROM HIM!"

Dark Soul didn't say anything. He just looked at the floor sadly. "I loved you."

"THEN WHY DID YOU BREAK UP WITH ME?" Shadow Chaser was now struggling against her rope greatly. Dolphin willed more water to wrap around the struggling girl.

"I never even dated you." Dark Soul looked into Shadow Chaser's struggling, hollow eyes. "And if I did, I would never break up with you."

"I'M NOT DELUSIONAL, ADRIEN. I DIDN'T IMAGINE OUR BREAKUP!" Shadow Chaser opened her mouth. Dark air pushed out like fire, smashing directly into Dark Soul.

"No!" Dolphin cried out, separating the two. She strapped Shadow Chaser to another building with ice. She ran up to Dark Soul, who had lost his glow. His red skin was starting to become more normal. His hair now orange rather than red. His eyes were closed shut, but Dolphin could feel a pulse.

"Get away from him."

Dolphin turned around. "Brenda?"

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