Chapter 7

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Lila looked back at Félix as she drove off. "He'll be fine." She assured herself. She pulled out her phone and sent a text to the bodyguard. He clicked the notification and turned to the left as the map told him where to go. After a few more turns, they stopped in front of Paris' aquarium. Lila got out of the car, muttering a thanks and walked inside. Lila could smell fish and saltwater. She couldn't imagine working here. She noticed a blonde guide pointing to all the mollies in front of some tourists. Lila nodded at the guide and walked inside the employees only storage room. She walked up the stairs and onto the second floor. She opened the third door to the right and saw an open pool. There was a crouched figure beside it, their hand grazing the water. Their long, dark brown hair was held in a bun, small wisps coming out. They wore a lime green tank top from the aquarium gift shop. They matched it with a pair of blue shorts and blue sandals. Lila walked up to the figure and set her bag besides them. She sat herself down, watching as they continued to graze their hand through the water. A few seconds afterward, three fins popped out of the water. The figure quickly removed their hand and grabbed the bucket that was set next to them. They pulled out dead salmon and gently tossed them in the pool. With the back of their hand, they wiped the hair out of their eyes and continued to drop the salmon in one by one. Once the bucket was empty, they got up and washed their hands then came back towards Lila and sat opposite her with their arms around their knees. By then, Lila had made herself comfortable with her legs extended and her arms propping herself up.

"How can you deal with the smell for 16 hours a day, Lydia?" Lila questioned.

Lydia shrugged, "You get used to it. How's your new job?"

Lila rolled her eyes, "A pain, of course, but the extra money is helping out Mama. At least I don't have to go to school and have to deal with Marinette bugging me all the time. She's such a pain. Especially when she's a clumsy fool in front of Adrien. They both are so annoying."

Lydia looked at Lila sympathetically, "I'm so sorry, Lila. I know how much you hate them both. You have no idea how much I would like to help you. Especially with Mama."

Lila shook her head, "No, you have your own family to take care of. It's not your fault Mama's a mess. How are the twins?"

Lydia smiled, "They're doing wonderful. They each got their first fish the other day. Evan named his 'Speedy' and Olivia named hers 'Goldie'."

Lila grinned, "They're so precious. I wish I got to see them more."

Lydia looked at the ground, "I wish you could too, Lila. It's a shame Mama doesn't let you see them often."

Lila grumbled, "It's not my fault you live two hours away."

Lydia grabbed her shoulder, "I'm so sorry, baby. You know I am."

Lila sighed, "Yeah, I know Lydia. It's just so frustrating at times." Lila swallowed the frog in her throat, "She—she says we need to move again, Lydia. We're getting evicted next week."

"What? Mama wouldn't let things get that bad."

"But she did. Why won't she just accept that I need more attention than you do?"

Lydia rubbed Lila's back, "You know how stubborn she is. She thinks she has to pay off the student loans by herself as a duty of being my mother."

"I hate her so much. She's so blind to how you don't need help. You're succeeding, but of course, you need help while I'm at the side dangling over a cliff."

"She only means well."

Lila clenched her fist, "Yeah, for you. Not for me. I'm second. She doesn't even notice I'm not going to school anymore."

"I promise I'll talk to her, Lila."

"Talking to her last time didn't do anything, did it?"

The two sat in silence for a while. In the end, Lila decided to break it.

"I—I think I like someone, Lydia."

"What? You don't do 'liking.'"

Lila twisted her hair, "Don't make me feel worse. Just help me."

"I—I—I don't know how."

"You're the sister that always insists on liking someone!"

"Well, yeah, of course I do because my only crush is now my girlfriend!"

"We get it, your life is perfect. Now help me with Félix."

Lydia grinned, "That's the name of the lucky guy? Félix."

Lila blushed. Something she hadn't done in years, "Maybe."

Lydia gasped, "Oh my fish, it is! Can I get to know the man who stole the heart of my baby sister?"

"He's—he's—unexplainable, Lydia. He's not perfect and I adore him for it. He understands me just like you do. He's adorable whenever he gets mad at me."

Lydia's face could not stop with the smiles, making Lila feel even more ashamed.

"Just getting that much from you is such a huge step, Lila. If he makes you feel this way, you should tell him."

Lila shook her head viciously, "No, I could never do that. He's going to move back to England soon and I can't do long distance. You know that better than anyone."

Lydia puckered her lips, "We can still figure something out."

Lila shook her head again, "No, Lydia. It's okay. It's just a crush."

Lydia nudged Lila's shoulder, "You know, that's what I said about Brenda when I was your age. And now, she's my girlfriend of eight years."

"Well, you guys were a match made in heaven. Me and Félix would be a match made in hell."

Lydia laughed, throwing her head back. "I'm sure that's not true."

Lila laughed along. Lydia's laugh was always infectious. It was loud and attention-seeking, but sweet. If she was sad, Lila's whole world would end. Noticing the time on the wall clock, Lila grabbed her bag and stood up.

"I've got to go. Gabriel asked me to file some paperwork and then I have to pick up Félix from school."

Lydia gave her a thumbs-up. "Go ahead. I'm going to stay here with the zebra sharks for a bit."

Lila waved and left the room. She spotted the guide, but this time, she was alone.

"Bye, Brenda!" Lila called.

"Bye, Lila. Have a nice day!"

Lila hopped back into the sliver care and then instructed the driver to go back to the Agreste mansion. She pulled out her phone to find multiple messages from Félix.

Get me out, Lila. Please. They're too nice.

Oh my god, what is this ghastly food!

Please reply. Please, Lila. Do I need to beg for your pleasure or something? Please, Lila I'll do anything.

I love you, but I swear to god if you don't come pick me up right now

Lila's stomach fluttered at the three words on the last message. She smirked and quickly sent a message back.

Deal with it, Funeral Boy.

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