C. 23🕰

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It turns out that Luci hadn't damaged her ear nerve. Dr. Lace said that what she did had something to do with the pressure of the stethoscope.

To make her feel better, I took her to get some chocolate-filled churros from Hudson Avenue's bakery. After that, we went back to her house and played Cigarettes After Sex for the umpteenth time.

Then, we made out on the couch. If Gatsby hadn't knocked down Luci's fern plant, our evening would've led to carnal affairs. Luci took care of the mess, and the next day, I had gotten her another one from The Garden Center across the street from Salisbury's. While I was there, I bought my mother a baby succulent because I knew how much she adored cacti.

The night I went back to my dorm to study for my Logic exam on truth tables and equivalent statements. I didn't stay up too long because I was familiar with the material. My only task was to review and revisit.

Claudia wasn't in the room when I was about to fall asleep. She had called me and told me that she was going to a party with the boys and that she'd be back before the night was over. I soon turned my light off, cleared my bed of my books, and went to bed early.


Although I was headstrong going into my exam, I came out looking like a gloom-ridden troll. I thought that I was prepared for the test, but I guess I wasn't. Sure, I knew some things, but other things, I didn't so much. It was as if my brain became foggy, and I couldn't remember anything I had studied for. Not to mention that another section that we hadn't covered in the class had popped up on the test.

I was confused and pissed off. I couldn't ask any questions about that section; otherwise, my professor would've said, "I can't help you with that" or "you should've paid attention in class."

But, the thing was I always paid attention in class; I never fooled around with others, not that I had anyone to fool around with. 

Anyway, what I am trying to say is I follow the rules, I ask questions in class, I participate, and I go for extra help when I need it.

I can only hope I did well. After today, I need a long hot shower in the comfort of my own home. That's right; it's Thursday, and I have no classes tomorrow. So, you know what that means—annoying the crap out of my mother while she grades papers and me making strawberry brownies.

I was currently in Preston Library, completing my assignments for the week since all of the due dates were between Friday through Sunday 11:59 pm.

It was still light outside, and the library wouldn't close for another four hours. It was a good thing, there weren't that many students on the same floor that I was because I wouldn't be able to think or concentrate on the reading. I also enjoyed the warm heat that flowed thoroughly through the vents provided to the brick building.

I was seated at a table with a green banker lamp that shined on my last Greek History textbook. For tonight's task, my only job was to define terms in the text, answer questions from the reading, and submit them online.

If I concentrated and worked at a steady pace, I'd be finished in no time. The information hadn't been covered in class yet, but my professor wanted us to get a head start on the next unit so that we could start studying for the final exam early.

It was kind of tough not to think about the math test and my grade, but at least Beethoven was there to calm me down through my AirPods.

The moment I typed an aggressive period to the last sentence of my last question, my phone began humming against the table, making this irritating and audible noise. 

I checked around to see if anyone was looking to see where the noise was coming from. Only one person looked my way as I nervously picked up my phone from the rectangular walnut table.

The caller ID read BIG HEAD. I scoffed, shaking my head as I closed my textbook and shoved it in my knapsack.

When I didn't answer, I received a message from my older sister, Maeve.

The message said, "Hey, sis. Mom told me that you have a boyfriend. Tbh, I am upset that you didn't tell me. Anyway, since you're in a relationship now, I've got the perfect gift for you. I'll give it to you when I land in Brown two days before Thanksgiving. Love you. P.S. I hope you've been doing the Japanese facial massage that I taught you. The last time I saw you, you had crucial wrinkles under your eyes and over your forehead. No guy wants to wake up to a mummy. Get that fixed and stay on top of your game. Okay, love you. 😘"

Oh, God. Why does my mom have to throw everything out of proportion and jump to conclusions? And my face is perfectly fine.

Great Girls(Victoria Pedretti) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz