C. 4🕰

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"Love, you too, mom," I said, hanging up on my mother as I put my phone in the back pocket of my black paperback slacks that Claudia had forced me to wear as it was apart of my costume that I hadn't finished putting on. I only had on a white t-shirt, but I didn't put the leather jacket on yet.

The professor had decided to call me while I was in the middle of becoming the one and only greaser Danny Zuko himself. I took the phone call outside since it was beginning to get loud downstairs because groups of people had started to arrive.

Crush took care of the last-minute invitations via text message, and he bought all of the snacks and the drinks. Oliver took care of the decorations and music. Simultaneously, I made sure to transport all of my family's valuable possessions to my bedroom, including my mom's sculpture of the gigantic female genitalia that she treasures so much.

My mom never shied away from the female body. In fact, she found every possible way to display her love for it everywhere she went. Her reason for this dauntless behavior is because she wants me to learn to love my body. She told me that society tends to shame women for their bodies if they reveal even the slightest bit of cleavage, expose their stomach, or show their buttocks. Yes, I said buttocks. Don't make fun of me. The same reason why I don't like saying ass or butt is the same reason most people don't want to use the word moist.

I was in my bathroom when I saw Claudia hurry past me, nearly knocking me down as she pulled down her pants and plopped down on the toilet. I slammed my hand down gently on the thulian tiled counter, and I said, "Great. First, you kill my goldfish, and now you're trying to knock me over on the floor like an older woman on a Life Alert commercial. I might as well become best friends with Michael Myers at this point."

"I said I was sorry. I'll buy you another one." Claudia said, relieving herself.

Even though Claudia and I have only known each other for two years now, we were pretty comfortable with each other. She was like a second sister to me; she was more of a sister to me than my oldest sister, Rayna, was.

One time, when I came back from work, I walked in on Claudia shaving her kitty pow, and I told her to shift her position to, you know, really get in the crevices. I had no problem with her flaunting her lady lips out in the open.

However, if one of us were planning on getting our groove on, as Claudia likes to refer to sex as, we'd let each other know in advance so that one wouldn't feel embarrassed if caught in the act.

I've merely had any guys come back to my dorm to do the deed, and there were only two guys I've slept with since my time at Hartley. One was a senior, and the other was a freshman. I didn't bother getting their names. A woman shouldn't feel obligated to get the name of someone she had sex with if she's only going to be with them for a short amount of time. It's useless, and it doesn't make a girl a slut.

"Dorothy is not replaceable. You can't just buy a new fish every time one dies, or something unfortunate occurs." "Why not? People do the same with the children in the system all the time." She made a good point, but neither situation should be justifiable.

Claudia grabbed a piece of toilet paper from the stand, wrapped it around her hand, and wiped herself as I resumed putting on the rest of my costume. I grabbed the gel at the corner of the counter and threw the cap off. I swooped my trimmed and clear-polished nails into the blue substance and applied it to the sides of my short curly brown hair.

"I know, it's just Dorothy meant a lot to me; I just used to talk to her about my rough days when I first started going through puberty. And now, I can't talk to her at all because you killed her." I said with a calm face while I was combing back my hair with an orange comb next to the hairbrush that I hadn't used since my stay here last week.

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