Staying Over, Part Two

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a/n hey hey there's smut in this chapter so yeah

Korra's Pov-

Asami seemed a little worried at my quietness, but honestly, there wasn't much I was in the mood to talk about. My parents are never home, so you'd think I'm used to it by now, but I'm not.

I've never been close to my parents, at least, not the way Asami's close with her dad. Hiroshi is basically her best friend, and there is never a dull moment with him. When Asami came out sophomore year, he was so proud of her, no questions asked. My parents, well they don't even know I like girls. Not girls, Asami.

Asami Sato. She is an angel who descended from the literal heavens, and I just happen to be lucky enough she likes me back. Lucky enough she wants to kiss me. Lucky enough she wants to f-

"Korra?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at a concerned Asami.

"Uh, yeah?" I said.

"I just wanted to say you're gorgeous." A blush crept up to my cheeks.

"You're such a weirdo," I said, leaning over to kiss her on the cheek.

"That's one thing we have in common."

"One?" I questioned.

"That, and the fact that we both know I want to fuck you senseless." My jaw dropped as soon as the words left her mouth. She smirked and didn't take her focus off of the road.

"Jesus Sato, you're killing me."

"Just wait 'till we get to my house." And all of a sudden, I was interested. I'm kidding, I've been interested.


As soon as we pulled into her driveway, I hurriedly undid my seatbelt.

"What's the rush?" Asami said.

"You are, you are why I'm rushing." She laughed at me.

"Well lucky for you, my dad is at a new lady friend's house for the night, so we have the place all to ourselves." Asami's parents are divorced, but she doesn't seem to mind a whole lot. Her mom lives a state away, so she flies over every couple months. Sometimes I go with her, because I miss Ms. Sato just as much as Asami does. She was always there for me when my parents couldn't be, which was often.

We got to her front porch and before she could unlock the door, I pinned her up against it.

"Are you okay with this?" I asked her.

"I am, are you?" I quickly nodded and smashed my lips into hers. She moaned softly into the kiss as she hesitantly pulled away.

"What?" I pouted.

"Why don't we continue this inside, dork," she responded. I rolled my eyes and nodded reluctantly. She proceeded to unlock and open the door, and I followed her into the house. She flicked on the light switch and set down our bags.

"I'm going to go freshen up, and I'll meet you in my room," she smiled and went into the bathroom. I walked up the stairs and into her bedroom, then flopped on her bed. As I was finishing taking off my sneakers, I saw a sexy figure standing in the doorway.

"Wow, you look-"

"Amazing? I know babe," she said as she kissed me and placed her body on top of mine. She was wearing black, lacy lingerie that accentuated her curves in the best way. As she kissed me, she pulled off my shirt, leaving me in just a sports bra.

"You know your abs are the sexiest thing on earth, right?" She said seductively.

"Actually, I believe that the sexiest thing on earth, is you," I said as I began to kiss her neck. She moaned as I continued, which only made me want to do more. I placed my hands on her waist and motioned for her to come closer. I moved from her neck back up to her lips and she pushed me down onto the bed.

"You know, I've always thought you were a bottom, now I know you are," she laughed.

"Oh shut up and fuck me," I responded, pulling her down on top of me.

"Feeling bold today?" I rolled my eyes at her and proceeded to pull her lips to mine. She bit my lip and I moaned lightly. As we kissed, she grinded her hips slowly on top of me. I could feel myself getting more and more turned on by the second. As I moaned at her actions, she smirked.

She moved her hand down and slid off my shorts.

"Woah, a little turned on are we?" I rolled my eyes at her and she proceeded to run her finger in circles. Her other hand was placed on my breast as she kissed me. I moaned softly. She pulled away from my lips and brought herself down so that her head was placed between my thighs. The second her tongue made contact with me, I moaned loudly.

"Fuck 'Sami!" I practically screamed. She continued what she was doing and I was gripping the sheets. My head was pressed against the wall and was directed at the ceiling.

"Having fun?" Asami asked.

"Uh huh," was all I could respond without getting interrupted by a moan. She pulled away and I looked at her confused, but then gasped when I felt her finger inside me.

"Holy shit babe!" I was still screaming. She moved her finger fairly slow, but I still moaned at every thrust. I got even louder when she added a finger and started going faster.

"Enjoying yourself love?" She questioned while kissing my abs.

"Mhm," I replied, followed shortly after by a moan. She proceeded with her actions as I could feel myself getting close.

After a couple minutes, I hit my climax and she pulled her fingers out. She laid down next to me on the bed.

"Jeez 'Sami, I had no idea how hot you could be," I said, mildly panting.

"Yes you did," she replied, kissing me on the lips. I chuckled softly as I watched her get up and prance into the bathroom. Still panting, I grabbed my phone out of my shorts that were now on the floor and saw that Bolin texted me.

Bolin- do you guys want to come with all of us to the movies tomorrow?

Korra- yea sure, what movie

Bolin- uh i don't remember, mako told me earlier, i'll go ask

Korra- okay dude

I set my phone down as Asami walked out of the bathroom. She had changed out of the lingerie she had on, and into a t-shirt and some underwear.

"Hey sexy," I said to her. She laughed at me as she sat down on the bed.

"Why don't you grab some clothes out of the closet to sleep in," she suggested. I nodded at her and went to find something. I ended up grabbing some basketball shorts I had left here a while ago, along with a loose muscle tank. After I changed, I walked over to the bed and sat next to Asami, who was now on her phone, and kissed her on the cheek.

"You missed," she said. I looked at her with a confused expression and she laughed. Her hand pulled my face to hers and she kissed my lips. I blushed and she laughed again.

"You're such a dork," she said.

"Maybe, but at least I'm your dork," I replied, giving her a crooked smile. I laid down on the bed, and she did the same, cozying up to me. I wrapped my arms around her and we drifted off to sleep.

another a/n hi hi, ty for 2k reads like what?? i also apologize for not updating for a little while, i've been working on this chapter for a couple days and i finally finished it so, yeah ty for reading <3

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