Chapter 5: "Female Eren?"

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Heeeeeeeeeeyyy!!!!😉✌yo idk what to put for ze title of ze zhaptzer



(Hange's PoV)

Well this is gonna be great! Why? Because i just made a new experiment, a purple liquid inside a vial that can make a body more feminine, even for males! If they drink it, their hair would be long and their chest would get big.
Up until now i'm still thinking on who to be the first person to try this and finally i have decided who it will be.
I clasped my hands and chuckled at the thought of that person that will turn into someone people can't expect.

"NYAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I grinned and laughed maniacally alone in my lab.
I know there would be some minor side effects but i still haven't thought about it. So for now i'm gonna go prepare a drink for my soon-to-be-victim.

I walked out of the lab and headed to the kitchen.
"Maaaaaaaaan it feels great to talk to myself sometimes, it gives me giggles and romantic excitement. HIHIHIHI"

While walking around the kitchen talking with Petra about what drink to make, Lady Kuchel came in.
"Oh! Good Morning! Today's a great day you know!" I greeted. "Good Morning Lady Kuchel." Petra bowed. "G'morning!" She said as she took a seat on the table, smiling as always.

"Petra, a Lemon Tea please." She said. (That is random)
"Coming right up!" Petra said.

I took a seat on the table.
"Guess what i just made!" I asked as i picked up purple vial from my pocket and showed it to her. "A potion?" She asked looking so confused and curious.
"Here you go, Ms. Kuchel. Is there anything else i can do for you?" Petra asked as she placed the tea on Lady Kuchel. "No, that's all thank you." She smiled. "Well then, i will go continue on my work now. Have a nice day Lady Kuchel." Petra bowed then leaves the kitchen.

"Fufufufu Well, it only looks like a potion. HIHIHI. It is made for any person to have a much more feminine body even if it's a male. I was thinking that maybe this is only for males since it has more of an effect than females." Lady Kuchel was astonished by my explanation. "Really? Isn't that a bit dangerous? I mean doesn't that have any side effects? Or is that even legal?" She said as she took a sip of her Lemon Tea.

I chuckled, hiding the vial back at my pocket. "That is why i have to get someone to try this so i can further examine everything. Up until now i still don't have a slightest clue of when the effect will eventually stop so right now i'm gonna be taking a little drop from it." I grinned overflowing with confidence.

"So who do you want to use it?" She asked, finally convinced and interested about my work.

I adjusted my glasses. "Well of course, our volunteer will be. . ."

"Ohayou Gozaimas!" (Am a WEEB) The brunette came just in time.
"Ereeeeeeeen!! I knew you would come, i just guessed it in my mind. Come here and sit down i wanted you to try something." I said as i smiled wildly.
"What's up with you today?" He asked as he sat down beside Lady Kuchel. "Meh, nothing really, i just wanted you to give Levi a big surprise that he would never expect! HAHAHAHAHA!!" I laughed again in an unordinary manner.

"Don't mind her Eren, i just hope she doesn't scare you like last time." Lady Kuchel said as Eren chuckled.
"No, it's okay i'm actually having fun with her now." Eren smiled sweetly.

I turned around and picked up a wine from the refrigerator. I poured the wine into the glass then i picked up the vial, technically hiding it from Eren while Lady Kuchel distracts him.
I opened the cap and tilted the small bottle a little, making a small purple drop fall into the liquid and soon faded into the same color as the wine.
I smirked, hiding the vial back to my pocket, then i picked up the glass and hand it to Eren.

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